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Everything posted by car67
Copper sulphate or snail rid will harm discus. The tank I wish to rid them out of has got breeding discus in so I want to disrupt them as little as posible. This tank has gravel in the bottom but I want to get it out but am worried that it might stop them from continuing to lay eggs. The babies are in another tank which is bare bottomed so it is very easy to keep clean. Or should I just bit the bullet and get it over and done with and hope they will continue to lay. It took me three years to get to this stage and would be devastated to ruin it over a few snails.
I have a tank full of baby discus at the moment and they were layed on an inverted flower pot but don't forget to plug the hole in the bottom.
How long do you leave them with the parents. What do you remive from the tank the parents or the babies.
I started over 3 years ago with a plan to breed discus. Paid good money for half a dozen babies. Hundreds of water changes later. I finally got a pair. Waited in anticipation for them to lay so I could watch. Stupid fish layed while I was at work. I was elated till I got home the next day and found the eggs eaten. :evil: :evil: Waited 5 days till they were ready again but had to work at speedway allday and come home to find a new batch of eggs.Just to show how much they dispise me they layed them round the back of the pot so I can barely see them.Dont these fish know how long I have worked and waited for this to happen. But man is mightier than fish I am going to get 1 of those hexian display tanks and put it in the middle of my garage (come man cave). :lol: :roll: :lol: Suppose I should be grateful that I still got wrigglers so far.
so if I fill a wheely bin with tap water throw in a heater and airstone then draw from it over a week I could be hurting my fish.
When clorinated water is safe to put into your tank.And I have heard if left too long it becomes bad for your fish.What does adding an airstone do to the water.
If so was it sucsessful and any tips or tricks to make it so.
2 years ago I bought 7 babies and kept them in a community tank.Till on sunday 3 of them have been guarding one end of the tank so i watched them for a while and picked out which ones I thought were they real pair. I moved them to another tank I hastily set up over the last month.They seemed to be doing what I thought was the right stuff. My wife and I went out to tea tonight and apon returning home I found I missed the event. Right rom the start this was my objective.The pair was created in the community tank and stayed there till the last moment.So it seems that a community tank is ok to this point as far as I can see. So I will continue to water change as usual and feed a mixed diet often including live food. Hope you have the same success.
I have a few plants in most of my tanks and they do grow slowly and also they do attract algae
I set up a small tank for some cory eggs. Threw in a sponge filter and some squeezings from a power filter. Lost all of the young bar 1 then I added a pair of adult corys to try and get them to lay in this tank.All they did was to eat the only suvivor from the last batch.So i put them back into their tank as nothing seemed to be happing, Next i added the bubbles from a honey gourami nest as nothing seemed to be happening in the main tank.Could not see any eggs or fish after a week so just left the tank running. I now have some more cory eggs so have scraped them into this small tank.I put a light over the tank to night to have a look at the eggs. Ther is a real large number of things on the glass.Snail eggs and baby snails.Little tiny white worms.Also what looks like very tiny fish with what looks like like a body and tail. But these fish like things are a lot smaller than the cory eggs and I can only see them with a magnafying glass. Any ideads as to what they could be.
I read a post that this is the case for corys.How does the light affect the eggs. How much light should they have.
Now what do i do with ,when can i feed them solid food and what sort. managed to keep them alive this time i think by something i read on here that put the squeezings of a filter into the tank.Put the last batch into the big tank with the parents but not seen them again. :oops:
But either i am too old to see or there is no eggs in nest. If there is how long before they hatch and will i be able to see them.It had to be today of all days as i brought a small tank for my baby albino cory's and put them in there.
Hi adrhughes. Welcome to the forums. I am in the Hutt Valley.
Hell these people that have had many a job. I have been in the same job for 20 years.But my part tome job is the greatest I play target every Sat night as a flag marshall at a speedway track.Been doing that for 30 years.Shall retire when I come across a car that I am not fast enough to get away from .(by then it will be too late)
They are a cross Alenquer Red and brown I think mostly Alenquer Red
Thanks Luke
Also how old before they are able to breed. I have 6 of varying size together in one tank.Brought them about 6 or 7 months ago aged about 3 months and the size of a 50cent piece.
Hutt pets in Lower Hutt is a great shop
I am looking to set up a tank with a lot of plants in it as a display tank. Flourite was suggested as a good substrate medium.Was thinking of using flourite as a base (if i can get it ) toped with sand. Woukd like some comments please.
Welcome to the forum. I was on the committee with Horry and Fay but that a few years ago :oops:
I am a member of Kapi mana
30 odd years ago :oops: I had a large fish room in my house.Was into the local fish club scene big time.A good friend at the time was into commercial importing of fish for supply to NZ pet shops. My goal at the time was to breed discus and rear them.Once I had done this that was the end sold every thing rid my house of anything to do with fish.Amen. :bounce: Got married last August and my wife brought me a fish tank for xmas last year.(her heart was in the right place) don't tell her but $1000 later it is up and running with all the gear and fish.I started with angels,khulis and algie eaters.The urge to get back into discus won out so now I have 6 young discus hopeing to get a pair or two. One last comment in the 30 years since I was into keeping fish technology has encrease leaps and bounds and so has the cost of it. Now looking at seting up a second tank for the hopefully young ones.