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Posts posted by chilli

  1. Datura is a plant that is horrendously toxic and it's consumption usually ends up in fatalities.

    Check your area for that plant.

    had a look couldnt see any anywhere(wouldnt if i had it been eaten) :dunno:

    still have two younger rabbits and there mother so ill lock then up for awhile ans cross my fingers there ok

  2. :( went out this avo to my rabbit area(free range been free range for 1yr) and 3 adult rabbits all dead

    not one mark on them have lots of apple,plum,naches,grapes and fig trees that the rabbits can eat can these be poisonus

    dont think was a stray cat as no marks and didnt hear any scream plus the dogs would have let me no, and no the dogs didnt get them there in differant area but can see throu fence

    how does that Rabbit Disease affect them?

  3. i do it by turning off the air pumps then just glad wrap the top of the tanks and leave the wrap there for 2 hr or so after you start venting the home. No losses using this method yet.

    that sounds good might do that if need be

  4. i treat the dog cats etc with flea stuff from vets and VACUM EVERYWHERE EVERYDAY and that seems to work, if i do have to bomb ,and couldnt take tanks out i would wrap tanks in thick blankets

    and cross my fingers

    hope you get rid of the little suckers

    fleas and flies hate them

  5. okay ill do that tomorrow was a little scared to move them all but will then(very nervisly :) )

    now i split the male and female up coz he was being a bully so would she still lay in a few weeks i think she needs more condition on her dont want her to where herself out (i guess i just know how she feels at the moment :wink: )she eating great and puting cal on vegies

  6. yeh gave her a dirt box just incase there is more i got 5 ok eggs and 14 shriveled hard eggs[goners]

    she laid some yesterday but i thought it was a grub in the tank and didnt take notice :oops:

    but ive done lots of web browsing

    and will be ready next time

    info on eggs and hatching is very much appresseated[and spellingtoo :wink: ]

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