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Everything posted by karynjoy

  1. Still haven't seen any of the Boeseman's Rainbowfish: Melanotaenia boesemani anywhere. I have two beautiful siamese fighters a M and a F. They seem to be playing tag a bit. I'm hoping that they are playing (or something) and not fighting!! she's changing colour and flashing stripes...what does that mean? I was wondering if Blue Rams, neons and guppies would go in there safely too? The next question would be does any have any of those to sell please?
  2. karynjoy

    New Tank

    That's an inspiring tank alright, beautiful!!
  3. Sheesh! I don't know what I'd do with out you all on here :oops:
  4. Ok , thought I'd better check again first....plug in then put in water right!!! OK thanks for that bit...giggle! Now what are all these other bits here, I think there may be some extra bits here just to confuse (easily done I might add ) The pump bit is good but there's about 50 bits if pipe, valves, hoses with holes, little cage thingies... and so on Can some please post a photo of what it's sposed to look like, Please!!!!
  5. Hi there, thanks for the advice, I actually picked up a TM deal today that had lots odf bits and pieces in it including a via aquapower head pump. There's lots of bits in there i have no idea how it works. I think i may have to do a wee web search!!
  6. I have an elite pump but it is very noisy. Can anyone recommend a quieter pump please?
  7. yes there is one like that! That must be the one :-?
  8. Oh well, I'm still not completely sure which one was which. So I bunged them all in and i guess well see what evolves. BTW I spot anything cabbagy, but thanks for your time :-)
  9. Mistaken identity, sorry bout that hehehe! Told ya'all I'd be the one asking the silly questions!!
  10. While I'm talking to you i haven't tried setting up the filter yet. Was there some other bit of tubing i needed to make it go. (I couldn't remember what you had said.)
  11. I'm planting up your old tank LOL I can't see anything that resembles that but they are all smallish cutting so I'm guessing a bit to which one is which. I don't have a working camera at present sorry.
  12. Hi there, I just bought some plants off trademe and I am trying to figure out which is which so I plant them in the right place. I have found all on the internet apart from one called a water rose. does anyone know anything about this plant and whether it is a fore, mid or background plant please?
  13. OK thanks, I'm hoping that will be enough to have a planted aquarium cos I won't be able to fit anything else in there now. (apart from an air pump)
  14. I was looking on trademe to see if there were any of those fish and couldn't see any. Do people breed them here in NZ?
  15. I think it says 18watt on the tube. Its a growlux light and is 90cm.
  16. I bought an aquarium grow lamp from trademe and have found that it only fits on a diagonal under the cover of the tank. There's glass all the way over the top of the tank but some wooden braces under the glass that hold the glass up. and the lamp has a cover over the bulb. How hot do these lights get. Do you think I can make do with this one or do i need to get a smaller light?
  17. What did I learn today? I am not inventing imaginary fish...thank goodness and two twenty litre buckets of the local river sand takes three hours to wash and mainly consists of clay (1/2 a bucket of agregate remaining!!)
  18. Cool, the pet shop is a bit short on fish here :-) They had no fish in there yesterday. It's good to know that i'll be able to find some . I think i may have to go out of town for them tho'. Thanks everyone for helping me.
  19. Thanks for that!!! I though i was losing the plot for a second there and really had dreamed the jolly things!!. Can we get those in nz?
  20. The colours were through the middle of the fish... I've looked at a heap of tetras and now I'm looking at Danios to see if i have any luck. I'm starting to think that i dreamed it or they had some special lighting in the tanks that changed the fishes colours.
  21. It was a smallish school fish and the aquariums were landscaped freshwater. The guy had put it in as a first fish when he was cycling his tank. (i've run out of broadband and i'm on dial up speed at the mo) so it's taking me ages to look back through the photos. BTW thanks for helping me :-)
  22. I saw some fish on the internet that were in a community tank and they had the head one colour and the tail another colour i think they were yellow and purple or orange and purple and were called something like traffic lights. Ijust tried to do an internet search to find them again and can't find any. has anyone got any ideas what they might be please?
  23. karynjoy

    Juwel Heaters

    I saw some of these on TM does anyone know anything about them please?
  24. funniest thing she thought i was serious and didn't check my name. She still didn't click when I asked about albino tadpoles the next day, and said seriously that i was the second person that'd asked her about them in 2 days LOL. (I think she'd been out with a torch and had a look!) Anyway I let her in on the joke. However, revenge is sweet and I'm waiting cause i know she'll get me back two fold!!!
  25. LOL why do you ask? You don't go on TM by any chance. :lol:
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