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Posts posted by GBoyd

  1. That's the trouble when people start crossing different strains and produce all sort of rubbish :evil: . You don't even know what fighter you get now adays because of these culprit. Even buying from the shops don't guarantee you a true strain becausesome of the rubbish are off loaded to the shop . So it's safer to get your fish from reputable breeder and honest breeder that will tell what the fish you're getting is.

    You pay peanuts and you'll get monkeys.

    You can fill the tank up and make sure you keep the lid on cos' female will jump.


    If we are referring to a betta I sold Fishbreeder, I can tell you that it is a veiltail and has two veiltail parents. It is a juvenile and it has not yet developed a veiltail.

    Here is a photo of a male from the same spawn.


  2. My RO is a 5 stage system, tho I don't use the final carbon filter, not much point so far as I can see. The flow chart looks kinda like this one:


    RO is probably the cheapest way to get a reliable supply of soft water, with the price of electric the distiller was killing us.

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  4. Chlorine is pretty short lived and can be broken down fairly quickly by oxygenating such as spraying the water. However chloramine is much harder to break down, and is more popular with water treatment plants for this reason. I do up to 50% water changes without worrying, straight from the hose.

    However I once forgot to turn off the hose overnight to my goldfish pond and would have had a 150% water change by morning. Many fish died and I guess it was due to chlorine/chloramine buildup.

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