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Posts posted by GBoyd

  1. Great to hear you got some good girls to work with. Pretty cheap too! You should buy them all and put em up on that other site 8) 8)

    Pretty good page on tail types here:


    I got a double tail off a local breeder the other day, its not a very good one tho. I really want to get those genetics into my breeding program. Unfortunately it is recessive, so kinda rare.

    Colours here:


  2. I think there is more to a project like this than is first evident.

    The Aqua One system has very small containers, not so good for long term fancy betta, without room they will get permanently bent rays.

    The containers are glass, which makes cleaning easier. I use RO water and change water in my jars every 2 days, and scrub them at least once a week, because they get slimy feeling. The Aqua ones will be getting green due to:

    1. Uneaten food

    2. too much light

    3. Not enough water changes

    Almost every betta barrack plan has a UV filter. There is a reason for this, even though it is contrary to most tropical fishkeeping lore. Kill all bacteria, good and bad if you want to avoid algae, finrot and disease spreading.

    Adult betta in jars don't eat much, so you need a very good mechanical filter to get the uneaten food out of the water.

  3. Well, I guess I will keep trying with these two. I figure eventually I will get it right. However, I do know that if there is a bunch of females next to a male, that a preference will show up over a day or two. I have also seen bettas who are just not compatible, in fact with Plakat, to such an extreme that the male will kill the female. Probably my own fault, nonetheless it happens.

    Now if a shop tells me these two are a pair, I can only believe that some attraction has been observed, why else should I pay more and rely on the statement that they are a pair?

    Actually in this case, the female is bigger than the male and i already noted this before trying to mate them. I did pair her with a much bigger, quite aggresive crowntail. After two spawns she is a lot less stroppy in the spawning tank and i think I will soon get them paired up and spawning together. Just took a bit longer than I first thought.

  4. I always carefully question the shop staff as to how the two fish interact. On several occasions I have had to buy a pair as they have been "paired up" and will not be sold separately.

    I'm not bashing the retailers, they need to make sales. However I would like to know a pair really are a pair rather than just a male and female of the same species.

    The only solution is to have several males and females to mix and match. It is very frustating if you only have a so called "pair" that will not get along.

  5. I've had a bit of a challenge with these two. The female is very aggressive, flares and blows bubbles, while the male is very timid and hides.

    I tried them together for short periods with little success. The only time I left them together overnight she thoroughly shredded him.

    I have bred them both successfully with other fish, just not with each other!

  6. Hi Scott, glad the fighters are going well for you guys.

    We are a bit up in the air about a Wellington trip due to having to coordinate lots of different life stuff. Its like herding cats at the mo. Sometime in the next ten days....

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