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Everything posted by FancyFins

  1. I stand corrected.... :oops: :lol: I wasn't really clear enough - what I meant was one brood I had seen in Auckland - not in all of New Zealand - typing too quick over lunch...and I meant by local private breeders - not the zoo - but I wasn't aware of many of the other breeders - so I was still wrong. As for the other question - do you need a light? Depends on tank placement - if it gets enough light to keep the plants doing well - both aquatic and terrestrial - then most likely not - however they are good escape artists and a nice snug lid with a mesh insert is advisable... Does that help? The links are good sources of general info and I know there is a book available in NZ but I can't remember the title about raising firebellies....but if you have specific questions not answered in any of those - ask away!
  2. Just had another thought - maybe mollies instead? What is available at the moment in Mollies - any nice Sailfins or Balloons?
  3. I wouldn't mind getting started on some nice strains...Does anyone know where, in about 2 weeks- (in Auckland or can get them to Auckland), I can find any of the following varieties in what could become nice show quality... -------------------------------- Grass Guppies - preferably blue or rich red Mosaic - reds or blues King Cobra - metal or yellow/green Tuxedo - Blue/Black Delta - Purple Double Swordtails LyreTail King Cobras (maybe) I would also like to get a hold of some females with the extended dorsal fin - I had a few girls with longer dorsals than my males that folded over their backs like Free Willy's dorsal (best visual I can give you) - they also had quite long ventral fins - but I could never work out if it was a strain line or a fluke and when I moved I had to give them away - so I don't know what the offspring looked like.. Any ideas?? ~FancyFins~
  4. Okay a quick bit on firebellies....they are quite cool!! First are we talking about Chinese or Japanese Firebellies? A few good general articles here: http://www.caudata.org/cc/species/Cynops/C_orientalis.shtml http://www.petshub.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-3893.html Habitat - Vivarium preferred - most will swim actively at night and sleep nestled in some spaghnum and ferns during the day. The water doesn't need to be filtered but it does need to be declorinated and kept quite clean as they can be prone to bacterial infections. Make sure they have a good cool humid ground space - clean, non fertalized topsoil works well and then spaghnum moss and plant out with low lying types of plants like ferns - small non-sharp edged plants - no flax types or anything that can slice their skin as they have no scale protection. Water deep enough to dive in and a few floating aquatic plants to top off. And a bit of wood to climb from one to the other. Food - when small - microworms and as they get larger - whiteworms, waxworms and soft small mealworms. Check Biosuppliers for them or start your own culture. http://www.ak.planet.gen.nz/~bio/ - Biosuppliers http://www.fnzas.org.nz/articles/food/microworms/ - Culturing Basic care - the oils in our skin can be harmful to them - so ensure your hands are clean and WET when handling - but even then do not handle often. Breeding - only one successful brood in NZ as of 2002. I have heard (but not seen) that there have been two other successful broods since then. The difficulty is getting the right humidity, food level balance, and a simulated environment. Best chance for success - RESEARCH and get an older pair - but the person selling you must be able to sex them - and this can be hard - so either get 6 or so and hope for a pair - or wait until you are sure of the sexes...however they do still have their own personalities and not all pairs will like each other - much less mate and then you end up with having to doctor bitten tails and bullied hearts - so having more and letting a pair naturally establish themselves is a much better (albeit more expensive) way to have even a chance at breeding.... Okay back to work - hope this helps! ~FancyFins~
  5. Suggestions? I know of Pet City, Pet World, Pet Corner and the Goldfish Bowl - but have no experieince with any of them - recommendations please.... And it doesn't really matter if the staff know too much - it would be nice but I have been in the pet industry for over 10 years and the fish hobby for more than 15 - so I am more looking for quality stock but knowledge would be nice..... ~FancyFins~
  6. Anyone local to me? Just moved to Hamilton and would love to meet some new fishkeeping friends.... ~FancyFins~
  7. Peter, I am unsure if the offer still stands - but I am very interested in getting into some serious breeding of Guppies and Bettas - it will take me a while to get set up - but as the post was over a year ago - thought I would touch base and see where you are now...I am particularly interested in some long fin variants I have seen a few times throught Brooklands and Aquascope.... Oh and BTW - where do you live? ~FancyFins~
  8. Is it possible to get: Delta/Half Moon or Crowntail betta in NZ?? ~FancyFins~
  9. Greetings everyone, I was just passing through - found this wonderful site and wondered in conjunction with is the Waikato Aquarium Society still active - Are there any avid breeders in Hamilton? Do you specialize in any species? Would love to meet other fish people.... ~FancyFins~
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