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    North Shore, Auckland

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  1. I just bought a really colourful pair (male and female) exactly like these this arvo...
  2. It still seems to work fine but I guess Im asking if its dangerous or not.
  3. Hi There. My Aqua One 200W heater has a bit of moisture in it. Does this mean its kaput? or is it still safe to use?
  4. I am FINALLY dismantling my old tank and going to sell off all the bits (much to wifeys joy) and I wanted to know how to prep the various rocks, ornaments etc (i.e take off the algae) for sale. I have read somewhere you can use bleach? Is this correct? Wont it harm any fish when it gets used again? Cheers for any help.
  5. Thanks for all your help guys. They seem fine but I guess I have just been used to PH of 7 in my old tank and now all of a sudden when I change tank theme and add a massive piece of wood it dropped. I wonder about that rainwater comment though....
  6. All I can say is I have a Vision 260 and I am running the internal filter. It works just as well as my old eheim external on my old tank. I honestly have no problems with the internal Juwel filter. They are a beautiful combo and I always get comments. They work as well.
  7. Hey guys and girls. My tank is now almost 4 weeks old. Nitrite is perfect, Nitrate is perfect, Ammonia is perfect but my pH is yellow (around 6??) It was bang on 7.0 when I started the tank and the only changes I have made are adding a big piece of bog wood and plants two weeks ago. I have a silver shark, angel, two black widows and a barb in there atm (260L). Is it the wood or plants causing the pH to drop? Any recommendations to get it back to 7.0?
  8. Hi There. I use the internal filter on my Juwel 260L. It has a 1000l/ph powerhead in it. I was just wondering, is it a bad thing if I upgraded this to a 1500L/ph? I am sure that the more it flows through the filter per hour the better it is, but I have read on the Juwel website that it is the slower the better. The only reason I am upgrading is because it is free (Warrantee Claim) and they dont have any 1000L/ph in stock to replace it with.
  9. Hi Before I fill my new Vision 260 tommorrow I thought I would consult the boffins on here. It only came with a 200W heater. I was under the impression that I would need a 300W heater for 260L. Do I? Or will the 200 be fine? Any drawbacks to running the 200 over the 300 or vice versa?
  10. Yeah it is the first problem I have had in three years. I only have the tank lightly stocked at the moment. 4 medium angels, 3 Gold Barbs, two black widows and a silver shark (about 8cm ish). Should I just get the new tank ready and transfer them all over, but then again I will have the cycling problems again......arghhhhh lol Thanks for all your help so far guys I am incredibly appreciative.
  11. Hi. I am running an Eheim Classic 2213 on a 200L tank (3 year old setup). I have cleaned it recently, but this usually consists of removing the basket, rinsing everything in tank water siphoned out in the change and replace the white filter wool. It hasnt been turned off to the best of my knowledge. I have just tested my Nitrite and its 0.1. Nitrate is 5. Ammonia is reading as 4.0 but I have been using Ammo Lock and I was told that will convert it to a harmless form but will still register. Its weird though that it didnt dilute with the water changes. The fish look alright (they arent gasping or anything). Am I in dangerous territory here? I have done 2 water changes in two days (50%) and am feeding them every three days. I am stuffed if I know what is going on.
  12. Thanks for the advice. In your experience (or anyone elses) what are possible causes? Does the colour of the algae mentioned in my initial post mean that the algae could be causing it?
  13. Hi I am running an Eheim Classic 2213 on a 200L tank (3 year old setup). It has kept up before, just not sure what is happening now. Really frustrating. Any treatments available for Algal Blooms? It seems to be a very light green cloudiness (not sure though as I have a plant background).
  14. Hi. I am hoping someone can help me out. I still havent set up my new tank but my old one has registered highish Nitrite and Nitrate levels. I can sort this out no worries as they have come down with water changes. The problem is that the water is extremely cloudy. What could cause this? It just won't go away. Could the melafix I had in two weeks ago there have done it? I have noticed though that some of the algae I had in tehre has gone very light...sort of Khaki...is this a clue?
  15. Thanks Guys. I will post pics when the set up is finished. I am waiting on the silicon to cure as we have done a black tree bark 3D background. Should look good! Although I have to wait till next weekend to progress as I am away for work this week in Wellington
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