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    fish of coures

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  1. Hi all, We knew two of our the lion heads had paired up and made a cave each there own and for some time and made sure everyone kept away, so we figured there was bound to be some eggs hiden with the mum.... We had planned on setting up a tank for them to breed, unfortunitly the fry hatched and bet us to it. Seems to be about 30 odd fry but they are in a tank with Convicts, pinks, electric yellows and of course 2 other lion heads. Will they survive if we leave them in the tank? Im guessing not as would imagine someone will make them into a snack if they stray to far from mum and dad. everyone is waiting eagerly for mum or dad to get distracted. If we manage to move the fry should we move mum and dad with them? Any help would be great, ive searched numerous sights and nothing goes into what to do AFTER the eggs have hatched. Thanks Holly and Zeb
  2. Hi all, We knew two of our the lion heads had paired up and made a cave each there own and for some time and made sure everyone kept away, so we figured there was bound to be some eggs hiden with the mum.... We had planned on setting up a tank for them to breed, unfortunitly the fry hatched and bet us to it. Seems to be about 30 odd fry but they are in a tank with Convicts, pinks, electric yellows and of course 2 other lion heads. Will they survive if we leave them in the tank? Im guessing not as would imagine someone will make them into a snack if they stray to far from mum and dad. everyone is waiting eagerly for mum or dad to get distracted. If we manage to move the fry should we move mum and dad with them? Any help would be great, ive searched numerous sights and nothing goes into what to do AFTER the eggs have hatched. Thanks Holly and Zeb
  3. sorry by the time i got home the colour had gone and i thought i would take a pic when it came back but it has not come back thanks all for your help tho
  4. The one that has turned the most orange is a female about 4-4.5cm They were only introduced to the other cichlids in the tank about 3-4weeks ago. The orange seems to have appeared almost over night, its espically coloured around its belly and fin. They were sold as Albinos but are pinks, the colouring around the top fin was most suprising as all the infomation we have so far found has only mentioned the bellies on females. We will get a pic up later today to show the colouring on the scales
  5. hi all any idea why 2 out of 4 of our albino convicts belly and fins are turning orange? thanks Zeb and Holly
  6. zeblyn


    hi thanks for the link the video was great
  7. one solo bn in there thanks
  8. hi all I decided to change the rocks in my tank I have blockheads electric yellows and white and normal convicts and a half banned eel in the tank when I was pulling the rocks out on one of them i found a bunch of yellows egg like things in one of the caves i left them in will they be fine since i disturbed them ? are they eggs ? and whose would they be ? and should i do anything about them ? thanks
  9. hello all was wondering if anyone knows if a bluelab truncheon nutrient salt reader is any good for checking the salt in a brackish tank it has on it a reading for CF and one for ppm thanks
  10. zeblyn

    N. Steinforti

    i joined the killies ass. last week number 316 . i guees my best choice is to get the epiplatys dagetis thanks for the info
  11. zeblyn

    N. Steinforti

    hi barrie would you have any begginer killies ? i was going to buy some epiplatys dagetis of t.m ? would that be a better idear ?
  12. yep i was at the last meeting i was the one having problems with bidding over the young ones my females seem to get on fine but i think one may be a male as it (ill call it for now ) is very aggresive guessing it could be a short finned ? not to shore have to wait and see if it blows bubble nest ?
  13. hi to all we are new to the forum and fish keeping . just join the kapi-mana ass and killes ass no. 316. thought we introduces ourself and our fishes at the moment we are keeping. In one tank we have a pleco 4 convicts 4 electric yellows five buffalo and one banded eel all youngees In another seven female fighters four bristlenose two kribs and five bublebee gobles and eight kuilis and one tank with guppys : IN CONTRUCTION : A brackish tank for our gobles two two meter tanks one is for the fighters and co and the another for some more eels hopefully and we have another four three foot tanks in pieces to put together for keeping some killies hope to get to know you all look forward to learning alot i hope hopefully see all the kapi-mana people on weds zeb and holly :bounce:
  14. thanks paul it came though so no need for sending barrie but thank you hopefully one day i might be able to help you :lol:
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