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Everything posted by Lush

  1. bugger, so they are sorta like demasoni's as far as aggression goes, oh well dont think i will get some then as i did not have success with my dems, they were all killed by the dominate dem. They are soooo pretty tho, hmmm maybe i could get some one day, i guess it trial and error like with most things. What do you feed them?
  2. wow those tropheus are real pretty. might have to get me some of those. How big do they get?
  3. Its taken a bit but they now have names Raptor and Roxy. Roxy is way more skitterish then raptor. Raptor is quite happy to watch and see what you're doing where as Roxy takes off as fast as he/she can. Roxy hides most of the day behind the waterfall. Both are way more active at night.
  4. Thanks its fake, they love hiding in it and climbing all over it.
  5. congrats on ya peacocks trace. Its amazing to watch them mate aye. The males look soo pretty.
  6. lol hello, no mine dont have eggspots but then my wee female is only about 5cms, so not sure but i am sure my other female didn't have them either. sorry not much help aye lol.
  7. yep they are super cool and cute as. think they are about 8 weeks old. lol hello yeah for sure, u gotta have a lookies at them, they are adorable. wow nick thats a beauty, i think it will be a long time before they look like that.
  8. Got my 2 new baby water dragons today and new enclosure is finally all done so i thought i'd share some pics, since i've finally worked out how to post pics. Built a double enclosure, beardie on top and waters on bottom. They seem quite contented but dam they can move fast.
  9. Tank water etc is all fine, its a 4 ft tank, i do 2 water changes a week, so that is not the prob. He isn't getting harrassed by other fish in the tank as he is the peace keeper, anyone starts anything he goes and seperates them. Tank has been setup for well over a year and i've had him the longest. I noticed today he is fine, swimming as normal, like nothing has happened. Maybe he bumped his head as someone said. I guess now i'll never know. Google wasn't much help. Thanks everyone. I'll just have to keep an eye on him.
  10. anyone?? surely someone must know.
  11. omg one of my cobalts is rolling over and over as he swims. He's not swimming as he should. I've never come across this before. He is just continiously rolling over and over and over as he swims, please does anyone know what might be wrong with him?? All the other fish in the tank are fine.
  12. Hi sweetysmum, thanks. it took me ages to finally make up my mind and get one. Sanchez really should've been called houdini as he has escaped 3 times and almost given me a heart attack each time. the last time he escaped i looked everywhere and couldn't find him, was just about to give up inside and start looking outside, when my boy noticed a leg sticking out under the hood of the uv light. lol the lil bugger managed to yet again squeeze himself thru the mesh and was chillin out up top. i was so pleased i found him, he was not eager to move from his new found hidy spot tho. he cant fit thru mesh now tho had to use smaller stuff for my own sanity, dam they can get thru some small gaps. he adds lots of personality to our family, mind u i think he's finally gotten used to all the craziness in our house and has fitted in quite well.
  13. omg thank you so much phoenix for your advice to hand feeding, hand fed him last night and he gobbled it down and he's been eating today yay yay yay. also re basking temp, thanks to those that suggested hotter temperature, as now he's actually a bit more active at times and he doesn't snob me now, lol before he'd turn his back to me. thanks everyone for the advice, i am so happy he is eating
  14. hmm well that may explain a few things. i originally had 4 cobalts but 1 died then about 6 months later i lost another, and out of the 2 i have left i have noticed that the female hides alot and at one stage was separated cos of injurys, she was returned to the tank when all the dominant fish where gone and has not been attacked since, but in saying that she rarely comes out and they still haven't had babies but have showed signs of wanting to breed. females are so hard to find down here otherwise i'd add more.
  15. i was giving him crickets but he wasn't eating them. i will try offerring them to him again. Was told to offer him veges, live food etc, which is what i've done but he's just not into any of it now. basking temp is 30-33 was told to have it on that. 40-50 seems really high, dont think my tank would handle that heat. so maybe i need to up the temp to say 35 then??
  16. he's about 14/15 weeks old. ok i'll try offering him more live food and see what happens. oh and i just noticed he looks like he's shedding, does that affect their eating habits at all??
  17. veges mainly, he had a nibble the day i bought him home, but now he shows no interest in it. i've thrown in the odd cricket he watches it etc, but then thats the end of it, shows no interest
  18. Hi, last week i picked up my 1st baby beardie Sanchez, thanks to navarre pointing me in the right direction. anyway he ate a wee bit the day i bought him home and had the odd fly the next morning, but he hasn't eaten since. i know its common for them not to eat for a while due to the stress of moving to a new environment, but i'd like ideas on how i can encourage him to eat without stressing him out. Also would reflection in the glass contribute to him being stressed?? At the mo i am using a blue background vinyl but i have noticed that it reflects a lot and was thinking maybe he is feeling like he's being watched etc from both sides??? i am in the process of making a background for the back of the tank, he loves climbing on the side wall i made. i have done heaps of research before i got him but sometimes peoples personal experiences can give more insight then a book. any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks
  19. Fire thanks for that info, yeah i know my demasoni should have some friends but i'm a lil put off with the fact he used to have 5 but he killed them and i dont really want to fork out that much money again just to loose them. Navarre I could be keen on some maleri gold and reds, pm me with price
  20. Hi all i have just gotten rid of my dominant fish that constantly picked on my other fish and now i am only left with 2 cobalt blues and some yellows (1 female who is currently holding and 4 males, 3 are going to new homes soon) and 1 demasoni who is actually getting a hard time from one of the male yellows. I have a 4ft tank and i want to add more colour as its looking a bit dull now, i also have a grow out tank that has 2 red shoulder peacocks unsure of sex at da mo and 3 lionheads, would the peacocks and lionheads be ok to go in with my yellows etc. also what else thats colourful would be suitable for my tank. was thinking maybe a pair of red zebras? or peacocks? any help would be grately appreciated.
  21. ryan tank is 2ft. my guppys were in the tank when filter was setup.
  22. yeah thanks i have tested water supply and its reading normal.
  23. Filter setup 2 weeks prior to adding fish. nitrate level is not going down with water changes, hence the fact i am totally baffled as to the prob. test kit is only month old and has been used on my other tanks which all have normal readings. peacock that died had bend in tail then next day it was dead, i just put that down to sick fish, as other babies in tank seem happy.
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