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Posts posted by Spink

  1. Hey everyone.

    I'm hoping someone out there may be able to help me.

    I have a tank which I run specifically to raise my guppy fry. My last two batches of fry i have noticed problems with them, not initially, but a little later on once they have grown a bit. They seem to look a little like they have white spot to start with, but there are no real spots, and the dorsal and tail fins end up clamped up, the tail turning to a point rather than a fan. I first thought it was a reaction of the fry to me using Melafix in the tank, but I haven't used it with the second batch and the same thing has happened. I've researched through my books, the forum and the internet, and have seen a picture of Neon Disease or TB - this is what it looks similar to. My question is this: the tank didn't seem to be overcrowded and the fish were fed twice daily in small amounts, if not more often. How do I determine if it is TB? If it is, is it more of a genetic thing passed down from mum to sprog, or will any other fish in the tank catch it? I have pygmy cories in there as my scavengers, and I adore them and don't want to have to euthanise them :cry: I know it's incurable, and I have to be VERY careful of myself getting infected, and I have separated out the infected looking ones so far, but what now? Chuck the lot and start again, or cull the sick ones and hope for the best with the rest?

  2. Fish was sold to me on "it's a girl!" basis, and she did have a friend for a while (Fook Me and Fook Yu) they got on pretty well - I can understand the confusion though, there's plenty of short tailed/finned males around at the LFS at the moment.

    Unfortunately, life was just too hard for her, and when I got home tonight, she took a ride on the Porcelain Highway to meet Fook Me :cry:

    Maybe I'm just not meant to have them, they either go Kamikaze on me and get stuck places they shouldn't be (filter outlet) or they get depressed when their girlfriend dies and just give up.

    Shame, because my husband actually likes them! :lol:

    Never mind..... :cry::cry::cry:

  3. Has anyone experienced any form of depression in their fish?

    Sounds dumb I know, but my female fighter seems to be very sad at the moment. She acts like a teenager - she was all depressed looking and sad, so I removed her from the main tank and put her in the hospital tank, just to keep an eye on her. Then, she got all moody and angry at me for moving her! I ignored her for a week, decided she was fine, then put her back in the main tank with the other fish. She prompty packed a paddy, and while I was at work, she completely shreaded the fins from my veil tailed red serpae! Now she just sits there, but actually seems a little ill now - sitting in place, floating either on the bottom of the tank or up the top, sometime lying on her side. I haven't seen her eat in a while, and she's my husbands prized possesion (for someone that doesn't like fish that is!). Can anyone offer some advice on what the heck I should do with her!!! Feed her Prozac?!

  4. Can anyone help me to clarify the species of Mollies, their scientific and common names, and pics if poss? :-?

    I am researching a bit, and have come across the following 4 varieties:

    Poecilia schenops - Black Molly

    Poecilia latipinna - Sailfin Molly

    Poecilia velifera - keep coming across this as a Sailfin as well, but whats the difference between this and latipinna?

    Poecilia reticulata - can anyone shed any light on this one?

    I have mollies at home, but now I'm a little confused as to what I actually have versus what I think I have. If anyone can help me out with the right info, I'd grealty appreciate it! :D

  5. Can anyone post some pics or chuck in a link to some pics of Celestial Pearl Danio eggs? I have been looking all over the place and can't seem to find any pictures of the eggs, just the fry. :-?

    Please help me, I have just set up my breeding tank for them, and now I need to know what I'm looking for!

  6. I'd had the white goby for more than 6 months now, and it has always remained the same colouring. It did look pale in the tank from the store I purchased it at, and I did think it would colour up better once settled in my tank, but it never changed. The black stripes were always very well coloured and solid black, and she always seemed to eat well and was very active, just like the other one. Maybe it was just a strange colour throw back from somewhere along the line, but who knows. I might be lucky enough to come across another one some day....

  7. I had medicated the tank with tonic, but didn't work :cry:

    It's only an 8 litre little jobie so i think I might go with the 1/2 water change today and again in two days time and see how it looks. It probably would be just as easy to change the whole thing, but I might just see how it goes so as not to disturb it too much - Thanks for your help! :):bow:

  8. Hey :)

    I just lost a fish to a weird fungal type growth in my hospital tank, and now I'm trying to figure out what I do now.

    I had originally purchased that tank to set up to breed my CPD's but needed to use it for the hospital tank before I got as far as putting my CPD's in it.

    Question is, do I have to empty the tank out completely and re-cycle it from new after cleaning it, or can you do partial water changes and still use it for other fish? I don't want to run the risk of transferring an unknown bug to my CPD's or any of my other fish, so I thought I'd sort this out before I made any moves... any suggestions?

  9. Hey Guys!

    I'm looking to purchase a new camera some time in the near future, and I was hoping some of you would share your experiences with your cameras...I know many of you have excellent cameras which take fantastic shots of fish, so I'm asking if you could share with me the brand, type, specs etc; where you purchased it from, and maybe how much...

    If you're not comfortable posting out on the forum, then please PM me with details... I'd like to buy the best my money can afford so would appreciate any help you all can give me! :D:bow:

  10. I have more on order from my LFS, and I intend on keeping some in my brackish tank and some in my freshwater tank as well. So far in the freshwater tank they have been ok as they were born and raised in freshwater, but I am aware they come from a brackish environment.

  11. Hey there!

    I breed guppies but only as a fun thing, not for commercial reasons or anything like that, but every time my female births her fry (usually every 6 weeks to the day, and both my females are timed in together now!) I put the fry in my grow on tank, and move the male into my 4 foot tank with all my other male guppies. I try to prevent the in breeding thing to avoid deformities by chaning males everytime. And once I know my fry are big enough to be moved on, I pass them on to my LFS to try and stop them from inbreeding in my fry tank as well!

  12. Back to what the hell happened!

    Things do change, but if you do look around there are places to go that have reasonably priced fish. My LFS in Upper Hutt doesn't have a great variety and the fish prices aren't that great, so I travel to Lower Hutt to Hutt Pet Centre. I have found their prices very reasonable: guppies $5 but at Animates $12.95. Some other fish Animates may be $3 - $5 dearer depending on the type of fish. Animalz is in Petone on Jackson street - they have really neat set ups, and their prices are OK.

    Trade Me also has a lot of things like guppies for sale, just check what's available in your area to save on too much running around.

    Your other option is this forum - there are some fabulous people on here that will gladly either sell you fish at a good rate, or offer you some of there over stocks. I have given some of my fish away for a low price to help someone out, and have been offered things by others as well.

    I tend to stay away from places such as Animates, purely because they generally over-charge, and aren't as knowledgeable as other places and people - who sells a supposedly purebred puppy with no papers for $1600!!! My personal preference is Hutt Pet Centre - good staff, they're making big improvements, they have good prices, and they are more than happy to order specific fish in for me - I got Pygmy Cories this past weekend for $10 and they're adorable!

  13. Thought I'd pass on an update on my white bumblebee goby....

    After the first lump appeared, I kept trying to see her so I could catch her and hopitalise her, but she dissapeared. When she re-appeared, the little lump appeared to be gone.

    But, after having a good look through my tank on Saturday morning, I noticed she was back, and with a different lump this time. :x

    This one was a tear shaped white lump, not fluffy, more like a big growth just below the eye. I managed to catch her and put her in the hospital tank, and had a look through the books I have for something that would indicate what she had and the best course of action.

    To the best of my knowledge, it was some sort of fungal growth, so I treated with a tonic. She did OK for the first night and day, and last night she appeared to be fine, just hanging out under the light doing her thing....

    This morning brought bad news.... :cry::cry::cry: she must have died in the night, and I saw her sitting just under a little piece of Java moss in the corner, wide eyed and very much not alive....

    I'm absolutely gutted as she has been the only one I have ever seen that had that colouring, and haven't seen any more in any of my local LFS haunts. So as much as I did my best to keep her alive, things don't always go your way... :cry:

    Hopefully I wil be able to get more, as now I have one lonely guy in my tank, but I don't think there will ever be another like her....

    R.I.P little Whitie

  14. Hey Everyone :D

    Checked out a place called Ablaze in Grenada North this weekend.

    FYI - they have a great range of rocks and pebbles of all different types and sizes, and they are generally pretty cheap depending on what you're looking for. Some of the stuff is around 98c per kg.

    Fishy_T - can you remember the name of the place? I have a rep out on the road out that way who might be able to pick some up for me if I called in advanced and checked it out with them.

    Still working on it with my roofing buddies, and haven't made it down to Naenae quite yet, but will keep looking....

    Cheers for the help so far! :bow:

  15. Ok, in general, I have no idea what the water flow rate is, is it what came with the unit - sorry :oops: . Haven't used fertilizers since the algae kicked in, but have a bottle of flourish which i used to dose once a week. Water changes, in my 250 litre tank I probably change 50 litres out every weekend, Tropical tank with guppies, danios, one giant golden barb (inherited) 1 odd killi fish, 1 Siamese female (R>I>P Fook Me :cry: ), 3 peppered cory's, 2 Bumblebee gobies, 6 Sparkling Gourami's, I skunk loach, and one GIANT sucky loach (CAE I think) which has been affectionately named Big Meany Munter by my daughter, and he is as useless as tits on a bull! He's over the whole i eat algae thing! :roll: Timer for the lights might be a great idea actually, don't know why I didn't think of the before as we use them in my daughters room for her night light. My tank is in a fairly dim part of the house that doesn't get any direct sunlight at all, and not much normal natural light. I did try not using the plant light, and I usually turn the 2 daylight bulbs off for a few hours before bed - thats how my fishies know it's dinner time and all come rushing up to the top of the tank waiting for their food! Puff ball stuff does kinda look like green cotton wool I guess....Short of striping all the plants from my tank, buying new ones, and boiling anything else with algae on it, what should i do?

  16. Have read the posts but need extra help!

    I have 2 algae problems :evil: - one is the long dark green stringy type of algae; the other is more like a very dark puff ball alage.

    I have tried doing the overdose on Flourish Excell, and seems to be having no effect yet...but it's only been a week. Can anyone tell me that they've had success with this and how long it actually takes?

    Also, with the weird puff ball type stuff, how do I get rid of this? It seems to come out from a point on the glass or on rocks, pots etc, and its like a fluffy poof just stuck there. Tried scrubbing it off, but it is very stubborn :x and reappears after a while. Specs: 4 foot tank, 3 lights the length of the tank, 2 are standard daylight types bulbs, and the other I replaced with a Power Glo or special plant light. Lights on from approx 7:30am to maybe 10pm (they go on later at weekends if I sleep in!).

    Any ideas.....

  17. Sorry for the delay in posting a pic - boxing! :x

    It also helps if you know how to use the camera you have properly! The pics aren't great, but hopefully you can see the little white bump I'm seeing (you may need to boost the picture size up to full screen to get a better view)

    Here goes....Fish-goby055.jpg?t=1207211662

    Geez i hope that worked!

    If it did, you can clearly see the little bugger looking straight at me with a white spot between the eyes - this was never there before and only showed up this morning.

    I'll post another one, just to help, and to show it's definately not white yellow...Fish-goby032.jpg?t=1207211843

    So there you have it - not a great shot, but it's white!

    Now, any ideas on the little white bump and what I can do to fix it (besides popping zits that is! :wink: )

  18. Will try to take a pic tonight when i get home, but it's not one of those owner responsive fish that comes to the front of that tank when you get home and says "hi! How was your day?"! :wink: Wouldn't that be cool!

    Last night it was fine, just hanging out on the top of one of my pots, and I assume it is fine in regards to feeding as when i fed them last night, it did it's normal little hop round the tank with all the other fish.

    Will check again after work, and if poss I will post a pic - no gurantees on quality though!!!

  19. When I checked my tank this morning, I noticed my little white bumblebee goby had a lump on the top of it's head, not on either eye but in between them. I've never seen anything like it before (I've seen pop-eye and another weird eye infection and it's neither of these) and so now I'm at a loss as to what I should do to treat it. This is one of my most favourite fish because it's black and white striped not black and yellow, and i want to keep it alive! Any ideas or suggestions as to what it could be and how to treat it? Unless i know specifically what to treat something with, I often use Melafix, but I want to be certain I know what I've got and how to treat it with this little guy. HELP! :o

  20. Hi there! :D

    I'm pretty new here too, but I tell you what, everyone is fun and friendly and very welcoming. :bounce: If you make contact with some others in your area, you may be able to get some contacts to get your guys some girlfriends! My sympathies to your female guppies. :wink:

  21. Watched and recorded the doco last night - it was good.

    Do many clubs do the whole "Tank Crawl" thing? Not just for judging but just as a social club event? I'm still a novice and wouldn't want anyone coming in and critiquing my tank just yet, but it must be neat to go around and have a look at other peoples set ups, and share knowlegde over a coffee, and get a real look at other's tanks :bounce: Could be especially good for those of us still learning how to get photos on the site/web. :-? I know the local guys I have met have been very friendy and welcoming and I have had a nosey over their tanks :D :hail:Just a thought....

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