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    Wellington CBD

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  1. lol in all seriousness though .. what is BK? (just to help the uneducated like me understand)
  2. yeah I just have the one - will eventually set up a tank for dems and yellows, great colour/attitude contrast in my opinion ... but for now one is awesome
  3. mj

    Fish ID

    lol I never have regrets :lol:
  4. i got it from animates, reason I bought it was because it had a noticeable purple ting to it (haven't noticed it since adding it to my community tank) - going to strip the community tank down a fair bit when I take a second tank to work :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: (sorry for hijacking)
  5. mj

    Fish ID

    heh no I was posting on my "own thoughts" of this thread, not personal knowledge (actually tbh was it renamed as I could not find it after my post that night?) drunken post ... comment about you overstocking was in reference to a PM from you admitting to a tank of yours that was overstocked ... anyway I wasn't trying to stir - just voicing my thoughts there and then (as I do - I say it how I see it) lol and as for younger audience .. heh that is why I contemplated the correct wording to get my thoughts (at that moment) across I agree with the sentiments, be careful when buying - and to be fair the original post linked to trademe .. so I guess I'm confused as to who actually purchased said fish and where they purchased it from? why link to trademe if the fish weren't bought there? for what it's worth - I highly respect the knowledge of the people I "questioned" (or whatever you want to call it), just found the approach or tact of the original post was misleading
  6. na above what looks like a dem and below what looks like a yellow (front on) well above and to the right of the white rock
  7. is BK burger king? :oops:
  8. what is the brown striped one below the driftwood/ and does it ever have purple tones? I have one that looks similar and I am assuming it is a hybrid
  9. I didn't check the second page ... but I have some jewels (off mystic) if you want to swap for a few dolphins? otherwise as most have said the yellows ... I also know a good supplier of them (if nobody else has offered)
  10. one for any IT geeks out there ... so my boss intercepts me with a 20 litre bucket of water today that I was taking to fill the tank I just put in my office (first of many :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: ) anyway he's like: "G'day MJ what you up to with that" (I work in IT, manage lots of servers etc) I reply "oh just off to give my servers a bit of a drink" then he replies (and I was seriously laughing for about an hour after) "oh so how often do you have do do that?" (I did eventually tell him that I was fill a tank)
  11. mj

    Hi everybody!!!

    welcome max nice choice of fish
  12. mj

    Fish ID

    bought off trademe .. sorry you get what you get ... also an I am so trying to find words to not get warned this thread seems to be turning into a real stroking fest ... you bought off trade me, and maybe the fish didn't end up as hoped in your over stocked tank ryan? I was going to reply when I saw the first post here, now it seems to be just turning into "oh you the man" thread ... and I think I even know and have bought off the seller ... anyway not that any of that matters but it was bought on trade me and also original poster if it wasn't you why bring it here? too much coro st?
  13. add some space in between "structures" as in have some top to bottom space throughout the tank ... they like to browse top to bottom and enjoy having paths to follow maybe rest one end of the wood on a [edit]LARGER[/edit] rock to provide space underneath, then try go doe something similar to your first post, with lots of "cave levels" at either end ... well that is how mine is setup another than my driftfood allows for access underneath by design my 2cents worth, all the LFS's have a similar low flat geography for cichlids, I say give them something a bit more natural ... which is not uniform [edit] tbh didn't see the latest pic .. looks better, think the "space in between" thing still needs addressing (and can be done easily) .... go for height on one side with rocks (without it looking like a lego stack)
  14. it is one that needs to be squished :lol: j/k - can't stand spiders though :oops:
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