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Everything posted by go4itgirl

  1. Do they look like these? No not really. Have managed to get a photo or two but nothing spectacular at all and will have a go at posting them. Just thought others might have recognised the huge change in colour thingy going on. Thought with one it might just be a pigment thing but with another 2/3 doing it then no not really.
  2. Hi Not too sure just what species of Geophagus I have. Have 5 in a group which may be red hump but still not too sure. I have had since early May 2008 and they are obviously still growing but about 7cm in length. The five started around the same size and looked like geo markings on them. Then one went quite splotchy and has since gone a light golden hue all over with no stripes. At least another two in the tank are now following suit. There is a very definite variance in size now. I would photograph them but they are extremely skittish and dart about. Their eyes are black with yellow circles. Any idea as to just what species these are please.
  3. Hi there what is the difference between a power head and a filter pse
  4. Many thanks to all helpful suggestions Have purchased flourish and also some flying foxes. Had to shop around for some big enough not to get eaten. Still not too sure whether the severum (which I forgot to mention) is eyeing them up or not. He gets fairly well fed though. also going to make up a CO2 arrangement with yeast to see if that helps long term
  5. Help I have furry black algae developing on my log and large stones in my 4ft tank in which I also have silver dollars, pair of angels and a few tetras and gbas. Coz my dollars eat the plants I have mostly got artifical and I note that the tops of these plants also have the black algae on them now. what can I do to eradicate this Ciao :-?
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