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  1. My Tank has different types of tetras, lampeyes, Buenas Aires, Emperor, and diamond and glowlight tetras there's also Swordtails and cory and b-nose cats and rams. I agree that Kribs can be territorial and protective. I think that they took off one of my rams tails this happened before and it caused one of my old rams to die. So should I justl leave until they get bigger and then move them to another tank? My Kribs are impossible to catch in such a big tank.
  2. Yea they are free swimming in kind of a cluster under the parents
  3. Hi I need help! My Kribs just bread but they are in a 200 lieter community tank. Will they survive? How do I feed them? How can I get them to grow? When do I need to transfer them to another tank? THe parents at the moment are taking good care of the new babies. Please give me some insight thanks heaps. I am really excited I'm pretty new to the hobby and they have bred.
  4. Ki-Saber


    It worked after turning off the light feeding the fish and letting them fight it out I only had one dead fish one of the glowlights. The other five look like they have no problems and no injuries. The lampeyes are no longer interested in bothering them and only want to bother each other. Thanks so much for the help. I think things are going to be okay!
  5. Ki-Saber


    This has been really helpful. I will uncover the tank tomorrow to see what has happened. Any other advice would be great. There is some plants in this tank and there are lots of hiding places in ornaments. I think they should be able to find a hiding place. It was not a fun thing to watch
  6. Ki-Saber


    I just had a bit of a stressful experience. I just put 5 glowlight tetras in my 200 l tank and when I got them acclimated to the water I released them my 4 lampeye tetras went crazy and carnage started to break out. The lampeyes started attacking and going nuts. I turned off the bubbler and put a blanket over the tank to help calm them down. I have no other tank to move the glowlights too as I only have one other tank that is not an option. Any advice. Maybe there is nothing that can be done.
  7. Can I have a dehumidifier in the same room as my aquarium or will it not be affective. I am just getting lots of moisture in the room! Random question I know but could use some help on this one! Thanks
  8. I am leaving on a short vacation for just about a week. I have been feeding my fish on a regular basis so I am not so concerned about them, but I am concerned about my plants. I keep my aquarium lights on about 10-12 hours a day and I don't know how my plants will do with no light? How do you monitor the light while away from home?
  9. Ki-Saber

    Baby Fish

    I am really keen on having some of my livebearer fish produce babies. I have a 200 leiter tank and quite a bit of plant cover. However I am afraid that my fish are eating the babies. I have about 6 guppies, 5 swordtails 3 emperor tetras, and three small corries. What can I do to get them to breed and to get any of the babies to survive. Thanks.
  10. I have a male guppy in my Aquarium that is doing some weird things. One thing that is interesting is yesterday he had a completely different color. His black spots are really black and his red spots are quite red too. Today he looks bloated as well and is having some difficulties swimming.. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this a common way of death in guppies?
  11. I was wondering if real experienced fish keepers use there mouth to suck on the siphon to drain their water instead of vacuuming it out by shaking it. Which way do you think is the best way to start the vacuuming process. Thanks! I really would detest a mouth full of fish water! YUCK
  12. I have really enjoyed FNZAS and have been a member for roughly a month. I have one question. I am interested in getting some tropical fish from other FNZAS members but I do not know if there is a way to look specifically for other people in Christchurch as this would be where I would be purchasing fish. If anyone can let me know that would be great!
  13. Do I need to treat the water and let it sit for a specific amount of time?
  14. I am new to tropical tanks and I have had my tank with fish in it for 2 weeks. The fish are doing great. I know after a month I should do a 20-25% water change. How do I match my treated water in buckets to the current temperature in my fish tank?
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