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Everything posted by matthewY

  1. Never heard of PP before. I talked to the vet today and they gave me trichozole 400mg. 2 difefrent people indicated to do 2 different things, 1 dose the tank, 2 dose the food. They indcated its made with part metro which was what I'm after. Anyone used this before (trichozole) and would have correct instructions? Tank is about 300 - 350L and has a external filter with noodles / wool. Also has plants, gravel, GBA's, cardinals and 1 neon. I have a 5L container which I had used to acustom teh discus into the tank when they were small.... should I treat in that (floated in teh tank?). thanks for all teh help
  2. in segments and the segments look like they are held together by a long thin thread
  3. also just found a dead cardinal in the main tank :-( all else in the main tank looks normal
  4. k, had a better look at the guy. He's currently in his own tank now and he hides behind the few plants in there. Theres no gravel, just heater and small filter. he struggles to swim a bit . gills are not red, more white but i wonder if i just cant see the gills or not Breathing at a rate of about 2 X a second.... Talked to a vet and they are happy to try afew things but would be nice to know what to try first..... thanks
  5. I need to create a list of these symptoms.... Will take a closer look tonight. I remmeber poop wise it was white :-(
  6. Sounds quite similar to what one of my discus is doing at the moment. It looks like its a dard brown (almost black) while its other family members are fine and fat.... This guy is 1/3 the size. I'm guessing maybe worms? other parasites? and trying to get a supply of med's just incase....
  7. Every since I added those new discus in (which died!) I am not having the best of luck with my tanks.... Now the little runt one has turned completely dark. Its been like this for quite some time now and I'm wondering what it could be and what i could do. Its is still eating but it doesnt eat much as the bigger guys seem to get the bigger bits first. hes about 2/3 the size of teh next guy up the chain and ahs always been a bit smaller then the otehrs. I've had him for over 6 months now and havent had issues like this until the 2 discus I picked up were added (the 2 were in different tank for a week before being added). The 2 died within a month and now I wonder if this guy is sick cos of them or cos it was bound to happen being teh small runt. Looking at taking him out into his own tank tonight and seeing if I can deworm him or atleast feed him away from teh bigger guys fora while. I had been adding garlic gaurd in the food for the last few weeks as it was left over from trying to save the otehr 2 and I figure there would be no harm.... I havent seen any improvements :-( any help appreciated.
  8. Had my golden chisnes algee eater in a tank with heater off by mistake. Was happy for the whole 3 or so weeks before I noticed... Would have gotten down to 14 or so degrees. With heater on I keep him at 20 degrees.... hes been happy but doesnt seemt o be putting on much weight etc
  9. Hi Phill, I've sent you an email for order :-) Would love to see your setup though, esp around how you blacken your tank etc. Cheers
  10. I wish I did :-( Nope, after about 4 or so attemps I gave up. I'm still hoping to get some of Phil from auckland at some stage but postage is a bit high (pay for the box, heat pads etc) and also I havent had that much time to commit in the last few months so delayed doign so... From previous information, not all cardinals will bread (the way they are captured) so its easy for me to say my guys just wont bread (as opposed to taking the blame myself :-p) Been fighting fires elsewhere with the loss of 2 discus recently and goldfish gettign whitespots / fin rot etc... Good luck with yours. I may try and get some of Phil in the next few weeks if he still has some and restart my attempts :-)
  11. empty out the pond today, water down the bottom was pretty bad... think that might explain it :-( Do you know if snails would carry whitespots? would I need to clean out the snails too if I refull the pond? thanks
  12. on all of them in differnt degrees and generally all over. I have 2 larger gold fish (15 cm or so) and n2 smaller ones (5 or so cm). one of the larger ones has fin rot too :-(. All except the fin rot one is still very active which is prob why I didnt notice it at first... I've just done a partial water change and added salt. plan to change more water tonight. As its an outdoor pond, I've read that tempertuire would help increare the lifecycle of whitespots and therefore allow quicker time to get rid of them, howver the pond temp would be about 10 degrees.... should I move the guys inside and treat in a tank where I can up the temp? Also, if upping the temp, what rate should I Up it at? thanks
  13. crap month for me, lost one of my high-fin discus a few days ago after a weeks battle.... anyway, I've checked my cold water pond todaya nd noticed everyone in there seems to have white spots (or ick, I cant quite tell teh difference or if they are teh same thing).... Fish have been in tehre quite happly for 2 years and generally dont require much attention. I added 2 additional fish about 3 montrhs ago and kept a good eye on them at teh time... all was looking good. Prob been neglected for the alst 2 or so weeks due to other issues.... So I'm planning on doing a big water change and adding salt. I also have furan-2 but no whitespot cure yet (can pick up today). Whats teh best way of treating this? can salt be used with whitespot cure or furan-2? Would furan-2 treat whitespots / ick? Pond is only 120L or so..... Thanks
  14. read somethign about you getting a wet cloth and holding the discus out of the water while you slowly "inject" the mashed up food into the moth.... making sure you dont do it to fast etc... It sounds really stressful on the poor guy but if u get to the point where you think by leaving it , it will die, then as a last resort..... will find the link tonught and post here....
  15. Oh yeah Dave, With regards to your discus.... I wouldnt wait too long before deciding somethinsg wrong (if somethign it wrong).... I left my guy for maybe a month.... he was spitting out food but would go back to the ones he spat out and so I assumed he always got some food.... By the time I noticed how skinny he was (u know how you second guess yourself), he was still acting normal (if excluding the spitting). eventually he just stoped eating. garlic guard was mentioned earlier for helping me. From readings... garlic is a very powerful preventive for lots of problems and I prob would start adding that into the foods earlier rather then later while they are still eating. Only issue I have seen in my readings as to why you wouldnt use it is that it can dirty the water a bit (leave oil skim on teh surface). Yesterday on my way home with the lack of metro, I tried picking up a little tube thing thinking if worst comes to the worst, I would force feed the guy food / garlic mix.... didnt get a chance... all the best and if you think you are having issues, best to try and source metro earlier rather then later.... esp if u need to take them to the vet to actually get hold of it....
  16. got told I had to the him there.... official word was it would be illegal for them to give it out without seeing the "patient"... maybe tehre are afew niccer understanding fish care vets out there.... or maybe otehrs stock up on it when they get a chance.... ummm
  17. Thanks to everyone who provided help and advice. Sadly I got home today to find that the poor guys gone. Thats 2 discus I've now lost in the last 2 months, both happen to be from nthe same pet shop :-( Think i'll stick to buying direct for the next batch. So the other issue I have now is cleaning up so that none of the other discus get whatever this guy had (guy died before teh issolation tank was set up). Would water changes be enough or should I be doing more? Also, to prevent this next time, should I keep using garlic guard in food? finally.... How do people around here get metro...... the guys at the pet shop vet said I would have to bring my poor fish in in order to get any of it.... i'm sure most people dont do this... (pm if required :-) ) thanks guys
  18. k, I can get furan today from local pet shop, can get Praziquantel tomorrow from the hutt but cant get metronidazole at all... seems liek only avaliable from vets :-( I've read its used for deworming.... is there other ways around this (ie: furan?) or by using car worming tablet? thanks
  19. Thanks ron. I started cleaning out and setting up a tank last night and waitig for the temp to rise. Discus is starting to look bad. Has stoped moving and now just hides under the plants with very little movement. Will pick up some metro today after work I will move him into the new tank (water should be right temp by then). Thanks for the advice. If theres anything else you can think of, please let me know.
  20. hope the tetra's a joke.... I wouldnt think hes fast enough to chase them anyway....
  21. I have another tank which isnt set uo yet, its about 50 L, should I start considering setting it up and putting this guy in it? if so, should he be a lone or with some mates?
  22. k, Picked up some garlic gaurd from the lfs and tried soaking the frozen bloodworms in it while they were defrosting... gave to the discus and still it wont eat :-( havent seen it eat for the last 2 days now.... not even spitting them out anymore :-( anything else I could try? :-(
  23. Did more reading today around the garlic treatment. Thinking of trying it and put some crushed garlic into its food either remix the discus tucker with some garlic in it or soak the bloodworms or shelled peas in the juice from the garlic. Thought I'll ask for advice on how this is usually done and any additional thoughts... lots of places on the net indicate you just smash it into small pieces (without too much detail), is it really that simple? can the discus eat small chunks of garlic the size of say afew grains of sand? Also, is prazi avaliable from local pet shops? if so, is it better that i use it just in case it has gill flukes or would that be bad for the fish? with the discus tucker, will avoid for now :-) been thinking of UV sterilizers, whould they help with tehse problems? Will give mashed peas tonigth with some garlic flavour and see how that goes. As for live food, the only live food I have is microworms.... dont know if they would take them (thoughts???). Thanks everyone for the good advice.
  24. I will try and see who locally has garlic gard and give that a go too. i have heard that discus tucker (or home made stuff anyway) has garlic for dewarming so could be a good thing to try :-) thanks
  25. I havent seen much poo on him, in fact I dont recall ever seeing poo... He does dash against the rocks and side of the plants from time to time but not oftern enough that I didnt think any thing of it (thought when nI saw it happen I was thinking oh crap but then he would stop after a min or so).... most times he is tucked away somewhere.... I've had him for 2 or 3 months (got him from the animates sale with his friend who has now passed away :-(). first he was doing really well. I had issolated him and the otehr one I picked up. He was doign so well that he managed to pick on teh one 1.5 times his size for a whole week to the point where I thought he would end up killing the other one (had that other one hiding in the top corner of the tank behind teh spray bar the whole time). I took him out to another tank for a week and reintroduced him. He has been a bit of a target since but not being picked on as bad as he used to pick on others so i thought it would be ok... I feed him last night in nhis floating container. At first he was spitting out again but in teh morning I noticed 2/3 of the frozen bloodworms had gone (so feeling a bit better now that I know he is eating something) He looks so skinny compared to all the rest :-( Is the rubbing a sign of parasites? if so, what whould I need to cure it and would that be causing the eating issues? thanks heaps
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