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Posts posted by Matthew

  1. He may pretend to be too polite - he sent me an e-mail - I am yet to have a good look through it, but I am sure with a bit of editing I can turn it into an abusive threatening e-mail :D

  2. Wasn't formally invited, but I am not working that day - Are you planning on a day trip or staying over.

    So long as I am welcome I am happy to join in on the car trip - although I will talk with the boss first and see if she is happy for me to disappear for the day.


  3. It is possible that the cory's had lost their barbels in the pet store prior to them being purchased. Typically it is due to them being in a tank with substrate that is sharp.

    Not sure how correct it is but I understand that they are poor breeders once the barbels are gone

  4. Join a fish club

    There tend to be a few members in each club that have some form of fish house / room

    Most clubs also do tank crawls - it gives you a chance to see what everyone else is doing with their tanks, and give you a few ideas for your own

    The Auckland club meets at Greenbay, or else there is the North Shore club, they meet at Sunnynook.

  5. May I suggest you consider a new garage - in between the deck and the aviaries I would imagine a nice 6m x 9m fishroom oops I mean garage would go well there.

    And what do you mean another 50 tanks - You are starting to disappoint me with your standards slipping that low - or is it just a typo and you meant to say 500 8) 8)

  6. I thought that I would have no trouble keeping a steady flow of these guys leaving them in a planted tank and pulling out fry as I needed them - unfortunately they seem to enjoy eating the fry - more so than the standard colour.

    I think if you would want a decent amount of fry to remove the parents post breeding - but then that is exactly what Paul just said

  7. Planning on joining - looking forward to the NZKA number.

    Wok has e-mailed me a reg form - I will e-mail this to Erling before too long.

    Good to know a further survey will be taken - It seems from posts that there are a number of Killies that may or may not be available still in NZ - It would be good to know what we have.

  8. I am happy to share some of mine although I would rather the culture became established before disrupting it.

    The way I see it - the more people with them then the more likely I will be able to gain a new starter culture if my one packs a sad.

  9. Cheers Mr Ed,

    I figured that the culture would be similar to what you have said, but it is nice to have this clarified.

    The culture I have is going strong at the moment - including numerous mosquito larvae as a bonus, and it looks similar to the Daphnia tanks it is sitting next to.

    Have you had any problems with feeding these to your fish causing disease? or does having a "controlled" culture eliminate any nasties from your tubifex?


  10. While not technically mouthbrooders a large number of cichlids will respond in such a manner when the fry are threatened.

    Firemouths and Blue acaras are two types that I have witnessed "eating" the fry and then spitting them somewhere safe

  11. Meal worms, feeder fish (may I suggest you start breeding guppies), Cicadas, flys (recommended to remove wings) or maggots. Anything you can catch from outside - probably even small birds - (might be stretching it a little, but I am sure my oscars would have given them a good go.)

    Or prepared foods from your lfs

    Also chopped schnitzel, heart etc

  12. I didn't see the weather for CHCH today, but is it possible that your tank made it to those temperatures due to the sun.

    From the photo it looks like the sun comes in through your venetians onto the tank - this could heat the tank to such temperatures, unless of course you live in Auckland - I have forgotten what sunshine looks like :-?

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