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Posts posted by mitzy

  1. I just dont know why people would like to spread mutant rams around even more?

    Well hes got people that likes them Not me personally but its his choice and im sure the petshops well take them as they already sell them good way for him to get a bit of money to buy stuff for his fish :D

  2. Thanks mitzy. I have 2 females and don't know which one he likes best should I just choose one and hope they bbreed? I'll feed them up on bbs, blood worms and maybe microworms and daphnia (sp?).

    Just pick one and give them a week or so in there and keep feeding them up , regular water change and see whats happens i dont know what the balloon ones look like when they full of eggs but with the normal she gets quite fat and pink tummy etc and her tube hangs a bit more or is more noticable .

  3. Hey cam

    I used a 30 litre tank to breed my golds, had a sponge filter on low and a stone and pot in there plus a log with java fern on it , i put them in there primed them up on blood worms live food etc then next day eggs.

    I also had been feeding them well before i put them in there.

  4. Did you watch them the whole time ? If not then it may be possible that they have done it look in the nest and you should be able to see eggs or maybe shes not ready yet.

    Did you feed them up well before doing this ?

    Was she full of eggs?

  5. Lip locking is perfectly fine mitzy :D It is normal that the lips can look a bit red afterwards or during the course of lip locking, as long as he isn't bashing her as such like tearing at her finnage or knocking her around then things should be fine and dandy :D

    Thanks for that, I was such in a panic as they were doing it for agers and draging each other all over the tank and so looked like they were gonna suck each others lips off lol

    Should i put some salt in the water as there lips are real red and sore looking ?

  6. My Golds severums are lip locking and have been doing that on and off for the last 30 mins or so and Don't seem to want to stop is this normal for them to do this.

    Once they lip lock he seems to drag her all over or the other way round.

    I put food in there hoping that they would stop but nope not interested in food.

    I am just a little concerned as his top lip is looking real red.

    Should i remove one for time out.

    They dont normally do this well they kiss or whatever every now and then but nothing like this, this really looks like they trying to suck each others lips off.

    Thanks in advance

  7. Mitzy get down to the lower hutt animates and get the male gold rams they have down there.

    Just rang them Cam and One left but told me they were balloon But thanks anyway :D

  8. Im pretty sure the severums will rip your plants and eat them , I had some long grass in with my severums and they ripped it up and then it was floating and now its gone so guess they ate it lol

    Im not sure what kind of plants could stand being ripped up. Java fern is hardy as to weather the severums will eat it is a different story :D

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