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Posts posted by A-town...

  1. They said the email was confidential and when I'm older I get a professional plant importer and in a pot of dirt duh

    I put a $50.00 bet down that this will never happen. Been there tried that. You will end up spending in excess of $500.00 for one species of plant in which you will never make that money back. I don't think you quite understand how difficult it is to import aquatic plants compared to fish...

  2. I have not grown banana plant emersed so can't say. Caesar is pretty clued up.

    Its not banana plant. the common "banana plant" (not actual banana plant but everyone sells it as that) in nz is Nymphoides humboldtiana or Nymphoides indicum

    The actual banana plant is nymphoids aquatica and as far as Im aware it cannot be grown emersed. They are in NZ but harder to come by. I would have to say this plant in question is a marginal plant and will not thrive underwater.

  3. Monitors were held pre 96by a zoo here. both of the pair passed away...which isn't all that bad considering they were seven foot long tree climbing bird eating machines

    I have vague memories of monitors at auckland zoo from wen I was younger. Didnt seem to do much from what I remember just laze around most of the day.

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