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    Playing the flute, keeping my fish alive (lol), spending time with friends and family, movies, coffees etc

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Excellent! GOOD FOR YOU (that's your good deed for the year!) :bounce:
  2. haha interesting ... I didn't know they could change colour .... good to know it's normal! thanks
  3. that's great, they both seem healthy enough, they are eating fine and swimming along in their tank happliy (I think - lol)
  4. Hi Caper No, haven't found a home for my goldfish yet, but I have four watchers on the auction ... so will see how that goes
  5. Whew .... thanks for that ... I didn't know that could happen!! Good to know they are still healthy
  6. they are in a cold water tank, just noticed today the underside is turing silver as the gold colour is disappearing .... I must be doing something wrong? I have these listed on trademe as "healthy" - - - is this no longer the case? :oops: :-?
  7. yay for you for rescuing goggles - is it worth contacting spca to report them?
  8. Thank you for your kind words of support ... very much appreciated... I'm please I joined a club too, otherwise I wouldn't know if I'm arthur or marthur (lol) not that I'm quite sure about that now .... so many things to think about, and of course I want everything, and all of my fish, like, NOW ... patience has never been one of my strong points ... :lol: :roll:
  9. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 412129.htm check this out!!
  10. thermometer from critter kingdom, undergravel filter animates and heater from Janelle!!
  11. Hi thanks everyone for all of your advice ... I really appreciate it... it's really awesome that complete strangers will help out other complete strangers!! I am now the proud owner of a thermometer, undergravel filter and heater .... yaaaaaaay ... will set everything up in the next couple of days.... woooooohoooooo
  12. ok thanks .... does it matter which I add first? how long do I wait before adding the second lot?
  13. thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu very pleased I went!! :bounce:
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