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Posts posted by Goldie

  1. in the NZFC magazine there are a list of recent breedings of many fish. Do you belong to any affiliated club. (sounds complicated doesn;'t it?) I am a member of the Marlborough Aquarium Club even though I live in Ashburton and I have had so much help with many fishy things. Good luck in your search.

  2. Welcome catfishdude. Hope you enjoy being a part of this little puddle ;) I too think the catfish are fascinating............next to the angels and discus. LOL> Welcome again

  3. Fifteen plus from the first hatching (they had to survive six clown loaches and two gouramis). The second hatching are swarming and too hard to count...................I keep getting dizzy :o trying to just guesstimate LOL. They sure zip around the tank fast. The gravel in the tank is mainly dark and so they are also well camouflaged. Believe me- there are a lot.

  4. R we going to lose the beautiful twisted and straight vallisneria due to MAF confusing it with the banned giant of the same name????

    Is there anything we can do to point out the difference and appeal against MAF confiscating the plants from LFS and banning them to sell the normal sort???

  5. My bristlenoses have reproduced again and the second lot are going to find it easier to survive now that the clown loaches and gouramis have been moved. Caryl and Grant have taken some photos for me to share here. So cute and so active.

  6. hi there and I will share my experience. I had a plec which grew and grew. Then I got some discus which were just awesome. One day I walked into the room and the plec was hanging off one of my discus.............sucking the slime. So the plec was given away to a good home..... I would definitely NOT put a plec or chinese loach in with discus or angels.

    Beautiful though the plecs are, they are not good companions for discus.

  7. Welcome to the tank ......................I think ROFL. I have to confess that I have the rest of bob's family here in Ashburton. They all send their love to him. Hope it is not too much of a shock. Welcome again.

  8. So nice to met you TeeCee. How is the search for the purple guppies going??? So hard to find really nice guppies. I had a few nice blue and gold ones a year or so ago. Maybe I can get a peek at your tanks on my way to Blenheim in February for Malboroughs tank parade, if you are not too shy. I love looking at others peoples tanks and fish.

  9. WELCOME from Mid Canterbury where it is sweltering hot hot hot at the moment. Water restrictions, everything is yellow and I am melting. Still a tad of snow on the Southern Alps though.

    No cichlids here .............whooops yes there is angels and discus LOL

    Again great to see you in the pool :wink:

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