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Everything posted by Kelsta

  1. Oh yeah, that was serious scare-mongering aye...! I think I'll just see if I can't diagnose the problem properly before checking in any more meds. I'm also wondering now if it may be to do with gill flukes, as the Koi Vet says ripped fins can be sign. It can't be any other parasites as they been salted, treated with wunder tonic and melafix - what's left!
  2. Hey, I've just been doing some internet research and it sounds like it might be viral... haven't found out what to treat with if it is viral though...? Don't antibiotics kill viruses? I'm not sure...
  3. Oh wow, from that description it definitely is not fin rot. It's not at the edges and definitely localised to the one patch. No inflammation or 'raggedness'. Everything looks healthy and beautiful except that one patch. Hmmm... have to keep searching I think. It's so annoying posting pictures with our crappy home computer. I might try that if no one else has any ideas.
  4. What causes fin rot? Our water conditions are very good, so I would've thought they'de be safe from that? Do you know how to diagnose fin rot? And how do you treat it? Wouldn't melafix have fixed it? I have a feeling it's not fin rot though. Recently, one of our goldies got stuck in a hole, and scraped off a few scales, and she was completely healed with no trace of the injury after only three weeks. Surely with water conditions that good, and healing taking place so fast, fit rot would not be a suspect. Although at this point I should be open to all possibilities!
  5. Hi folks I cannot figure out what is wrong so I hope someone can shed some light on it... one of my goldfish developed a white cloudy patch on his tail fin. Not fluffy, and not what your typical white spot looks like. It was tear-drop shaped, and then after he'd had it for about two weeks, the cloudy patch became a hole in the fin. The best way to explain it is that it was almost like dropping acid onto paper and then it burns a hole in the paper. But my fish's hole developed a lot more slowly. A week of Melafix had no result whatsoever. Our local fish store thought it sounded fungal, so we treated with Wunder Tonic for a week. This has also had absolutely no effect whatsoever. So we're just wondering what on earth to do now? The hole has not improved at ALL, and in fact, looks worse. And on top of that, I have notoced a similar what cloudy patch appearing on our black moore. Quick tank stats: Temp sits around 20 degrees - has been heating up to 23 during the day, which we remedy with ice packs when we get home to bring it back down again - could this have caused it? Ammonia 0 Nitirite 0 Nitrate from 5-10ppm (5 right after water changes, and creeps up to about 10 right before the next weekly water change). pH 7.5 Any ideas?
  6. Oh Whoops!! I was looking at the 'joined' date... sorry :oops: I was having a blond moment.
  7. I realise this post is quite old now, but I thought I'd add my 2 cents worth... I have fantail goldfish and WCMM who live together in peace. The goldfish are getting quite large - definitely plenty big enough to eat the WCMM if they wanted to. Now, I have had one WCMM who got eaten by one of my more precocious goldies on his very frist day in the tank, and he seemed to be unwell and not very mobile when we brought him home, so I suspect that he was simply sick or unwell and too slow to swim away. Also, the goldy was rather hungry as she hadn't been fed for a while. Other than that one incident - they live together well. I suspect comets would be more inclined to chase/eat the WCMM though.
  8. I've just talked to the vet and they're recommended Indoor X (not sure of spelling?) and they say it kills the eggs as well as the fleas, but not the pupae stage so you have to do it more than once if you have a real problem. $20 a bottle and one bottle does 40 sqaure metres. Will pick some up on the way home and try it tonight! Perhaps I'll pray to the carpet too just for good measure!
  9. haha, that is gross. I think a spray would be more effective as it's more likely to penetrate the carpet pile than a powder. I wonder if the spray will kill the eggs/larvae as well?
  10. You could be right - do it good and proper the first time. But we've only been there a week and I don't think the fleas have spread to the beds, sofa etc yet. Well, I'm hoping anyway! I would be happy to bomb, but hubby is a bit more paranoid about the fish and wants to try carpet spray first... :roll:
  11. Yes, flea EGGS can live dormant in your carpet for months if they are undisturbed. Once you disturb them (by moving furniture around or walking over that area of carpet) they hatch and go looking for a host. I'm not sure how long live fleas live without a host, but I'm guessing humans could be a host? We have blood, so I don't see why not? I'll check out the pet stores and vets, but my mum said she got a great product from Farmlands for her carpet. Don't really want to drive to Otaki though...
  12. That was absolutely fantastic! It just made me laugh out loud and made my day - thank you :bounce: And I was having a crap day but it's taken a turn for the better...
  13. Haha! yeah, "praying" to the carpet would be the way to go... oops, I'm rather rushed today... :oops:
  14. Yes, I thought actually after a few differetn bits of advice from different sources that carpet pray would be the way to go. You're right - that's where they are so why fumigate? Also, that way I won't have to leave the tank sealed off for so long. My babies might survive without food, but they would get very grumpy indeed!
  15. How long did you have to wait before uncovering the tank?
  16. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing - just get some thin plastic and tape it up really tight so it's all sealed off. Have you ever used the Frontline spray? I wonder if it would be as effective as bombing?
  17. OK we have a problem. We've just moved into a new house a week ago, and we have fleas. We don't really know how to treat for fleas as all the usual methods like flea bombs or getting a professional in to fumigate would kill the fish. Has anyone had this problem before, and what did you do? Thanks! :roll:
  18. Yes I had the same thing happen to me at Animates! A young girl once went on an on at me for ages about very basic concepts which I was already aware of and practising and in fact probably knew a lot more than she did, but she seemed on a bit of a power trip and was being very condescending. It made me very cross She assumed I was inexperienced and needed lecturing. Which was not the case. She actually had some very silly advice as well and if I'd followed it my fish would have suffered. Yes, a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing!
  19. That's awesome - so good to hear There is one particular staff member here in Wgtn who considers herself an expert on fish, (and to her credit, does remember you and your fish etc.) but we've got some of the WORST advice from her of the lot. :roll: Unfortunately (from what I've observed) because she ocnsiders heself an expert, the other staff take their cues from her.
  20. I know what you mean! It is so hard because you hover, hearing people getting such bad advice and hearing them say their fish keep dying, and you're just busting to say something, but it's always the fear of upsetting the staff that holds me back! I'll try the quiet sneaky approach next time - you know, just have a word in the customer's ear while the staff member isn't looking! On Saturday, a young girl of about 20 was in with her boyfriend buying more fish because all her other ones "keep dying". She was buying goldfish, and I was just dying to diagnose her problem and find out what might be causing the deaths, but I didn't say a word because staff were listening and now I really regret it. I will next time. There was another woman with her young child buying 2 goldfish and small BOWL!!! And there was an older guy whose fish kept dying as well, and the assistant was saying all the wrong things - he had new tank syndrome and it was still cycling but if he was following her advice, his fish would keep dying! I had cycling problems as well due to bad advice from that store but fortunately I found you guys!
  21. Good advice. At least if you don't embarrass the staff member in front of others they might be more inclined to take it on board than get mad at you!
  22. I have done that once, but the person bought the fish anyway. All the other times there was a staff member nearby and I so far haven't been brave enough to say those things in front of staff. But you know what? From now on, I will. Those staff are either willingly selling disease fish, or if they are unaware, then they need to be made aware.
  23. Yeah, absolutely - I do also congratulate anyone who does help out at the LFS because it takes time out of your life and you're doing a great thing. I can't imagine having the time, but kudos for those who do. Paekakboyz, I know the franschise in Wgtn you're referring to, and yes its great that they do quarantine their tanks, but there are also tanks rampant with disease that are not quarantined - it's like they've selectively decided to treat some tanks and not others. Do they just not notice it or what? Oh well, I've had the most unproductive day!! I've really gotta get back to work :lol:
  24. Yes! That's exactly what I felt like doing! Just taking over and starting afresh. Well, I can't do that, but I wish someone would! The only store I never have any complaints about is Animalz in Petone, but they don't have many goldfish as they concentrate more on marines and tropicals. With regards to quarantining in stores, Animalz in Petone have got the right idea - they quarantine out the back where customers can't see them. Are Hutt Pet Centre getting all new tanks? I wondered if they have new owners because it's all changed quite a bit lately?
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