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  1. I haven't been to the 'Big C' for ages, but from my last trip (bout a year - 18 months ago) the petshop that is in Coastlands near Farmers has a fairly standard selection, nothing fancy or rare/expensive that I can recall. The Pet House is really cool though. Even if you're not planning on buying anything, it's definitely worth a visit for the giant plecos!
  2. Loricariidae

    Howdy folks

    Hello fellow newbie Definitely keep the bristlenose!
  3. I've heard of that happening... I'd love a siamese fighting fish, but I think he'd looks pretty sad floating around a large tank all on his lonesome. Maybe a seperate, smaller planted tank for him...? I can see how this could become very addictive
  4. So adorable! I find catfish as cute as their furry, meowing namesakes
  5. Hello and thank you I'm terrible at putting names to faces, but I'm sure I met you at the National show all the way back in 2004! (Tommi/scarlet - lost not only the password, but the university email address as I have graduated!)
  6. Thank you very much for the warm welcome! No tank yet - looking for a decent sized/priced one in my area. I would love to rehome a large pleco when I do get my tank - if anyone's offering... I'm not too sure about the other fish. For me it's all about the pleccys, but my silly flatmate wants some "pretty fish" too, so any suggestions would be most welcome. Or recommendations for a new flatmate who isn't such a girl!
  7. Hi all, I'm very, very new to fishkeeping (had a couple of small tanks a few years ago, notably two very awesome plecos!) and now looking into getting into it again. Part-time, overpaid job + too much spare time = the need for some massive pleco pals, methinks... Any advice would be really, really appreciated, just remember to keep at the level that a monkey would understand (and not one of those clever trained ones either...)!
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