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Posts posted by Kezza

  1. loving this forum....brilliant advice thank you!

    is it in your experience unusual for all these species to be getting it on all at once?.....or have I just provided somewhat of the "ideal" environment for a bit of community en mass nooky?...is spawning triggered by temp? seasonal changes or other factors in the wild? anyone know?

    the fish have been in the tank for only 5 weeks...this seems like a short time to become comfy in their surroundings? or are mbuna's just prolific by nature?

  2. cheers for that...

    now is there an easy method to catch out 'holding' fish without disturbing the rock work, which there is quite a lot of....tank is 300lts and I'm sure I'd be adding to the stress levels if I was to chase the fish around the tank for a few hours with a net?....how would you do it?

  3. OK.....so now I have a Socolofi and a Demasoni with bulging throats, not eating and generally looking moody (the same as my wife at about the 6mth stage - you other fathers will know what I mean).....and my dom male e. Yellow was back in to courtship mode last night in a big way with one of his hotties......this is going to get crazy methinks and I don't have the room or inclination to go whole hog on a breeding programme just at this stage, but certainly something I want to do in the future.

    will leaving the tank to a state of "natural selection" be OK or do I need to do something to somehow kirb all this dodgy behavior? cichlid contraception? remove the females?....

    cheers y'all!!

  4. thanks for the replies...appreciate it!

    After several conversations with forum members, Johannes & Lynn, I decided yesterday to add 7 borleyi (Kandango) and 7 greshakei (Ice Blue).

    They are only little fullahs but are getting on well with the others in the tank. Once the tank grows up I'll begin to thin out the population but for now it's fantastic and really enjoying this hobby.

    Johannes & Lynn's service and expertise was awesome throughout the trade and welcomed my 'stupid' questions....thanks guys, I'll be back!!!

  5. 300lt tank, 405 fluval filtration, 300w Jagger heater, tank has cycled (all tests are stable and have been for over a week now...yay!)

    6 x demasoni

    5 x socolofi

    3 x red top trewavasae

    6 x Electric yellows

    all in the 3-5cm range and appear very happy.

    I have my eyes set on a gaggle of kadango and very much like the look of Fryeri (where might I find a good source of those critters?) but if the esteemed panel could perhaps give me a few other suggestions on some suitable tanks mates and just how many I'd be stoked....fairly newbie at this so apologies for the ongoing and "stupid" questions.

    thanks in advance.

  6. thanks again...

    it's 300lt and all the tank tests are all sweet as....was going to wait for at least another 14 days b4 adding more fish, just filling in the time between really and trying the gleen as much info for experienced types as possible.

  7. thanks heaps for the reply...fantastic stuff!!

    So what in your opinion should I do about the red top trewvassae?...get him/her some playmates or take him/her back to the shop? I guess it's only fair that I at least tell the shop what happened?

    One more thing...just pinched some filter sponge out of my daughters 27lt neon tank and put it in the cichlid filter to hopefully introduce and speed up the filters cycle.....I assume the bacteria is the same for both tanks?

    as they say a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing!

    anyhoo.....appreciate your comments re: photography also....I'm going to try some tripod and macro shots as well...stay tuned!!

  8. Help please:

    This fella was sold to me as a dominant male "socofoli" and being a green horn I didn't question the sale assistants call at the time


    After a bit of research I'm thinking trewavasae? what are your guys and gals thoughts?

    if it isn't socofoli what would should I do?.....there are 5, what I assume, are female socofoli(?) in the tank (see below pic) or at least they all look identical - should I get more trewavasae or try and catch him out and return him/her and seek a replacement male Socofoli if that is the case or leave 'him' to a life of bachelorhood?


    Next question:

    is this likely to be a male Demosoni? the others in the tank have much less "black" and have less bold blue bars


    and finally:

    Should the belows Electrics Yellow pearantage be called in to question? (ie) interbred perhaps or just a variation? it has quite a lot of "brown" colouration on it's shoulders and flanks - the other Yellas in the tank do not. advice if it is a dirty ol crossbreed please? I'm not worried unless it is likely to cause natural defectsin any potential offspring.


    and that is all for now.....legends!!

    Please excuse the quality of the pixs...still trying to get tank photography sorted!

  9. thanks fellas....

    having never done this before I was concerend that the readings might be pointing to something sinistar about to happen....eitherway this is a great forum and thanks again.

    I wont be adding anymore fish for awhile and on some pretty sound advice from one of the members here, the advice was to rearrange the rock work slightly before I do and just before cichlid beddy-byes time.


  10. Can any of you experienced African keeping lads and ladettes please give me some advice on these readings I've just taken.

    HR PH: 7.8

    Ammonia - 0.25PPM

    Nitrite - 0.25PPM

    Nitrate - O.00PPM

    One week old 300lt tank, Fluval 405 (ammonia medium in two of the lower baskets, plus biological and charcoal in the others), 50/50 dolitmite/fine gravel substrate, 18 juvenile apparently happy africans.

    Did a 25% water change last night.

    Is there something I should be doing? if so what? or is this all part of the breaking in cycle?

    thanks in advance...appreciate it!!!

  11. Hey FireNzenz.....that one was on a dirty old sliced up jack mackerel in barely 2ms of water last winter....

    this one was on a soft bait mind you... :wink:


    I've been wondering if there is a cross over between fish keepers and you common garden variety fisho or if never the twain shall meet...I know Barrie from these forums if a mad keen fisho and most fishos I know like aquariums mainly because it's a glimpse of a world ya don't get to see much when sitting around in boats drinking beer.

    Our TV Show (The ITM Fishing Show - TV ONE, Saturday Afternoons) focuses and has a large component of underwater imagery for just that purpose.....anyhoo...enough from me!

    (NB to self: this is NOT a fishing forum!!!)

    thanks for the heads up on the store mate......all news and exciting I'm afraid, there is bound to be lots of silly questions.

  12. Anyone out there know the best place(s) to track down Africans in the Auckland area?.....Hollywood Fish Farm was great and seemed to have a reasonable variety....where else might I look?

    any breeders on here with species for sale that will be ok with:

    Yellows, demasoni and socolofi (all juveniles)

    300lt tank

    thanks in advance,

  13. First time caller....be gentle 8)

    Over the last week I've been setting up a 300lt Malawi tank and just after any newbie advice really.....I realize there are probably plenty of threads already running on this subject, but if you experienced African fish keepers could summarize some of the basics that would be fantastic.

    This is the set up.....any suggestions?

    Fluval 405 with some amonoia medium as well as the biological and carcoal mediums, jagger 300w heater, 50/50 dolimite/fine gravel mix, shist rock with plenty of caves and archways in the rock work, no plants

    All the standard PH, High PH, ammonia and nitrite tests are all sweet as, as of last night but will continue to monitor daily for the next few weeks??

    Currently I have (all juvenilles):

    6 x Electric Yellows (2 males, 4 female)

    6 x Demasonis (one has much more "black" colours and is much 'bolder' than the others, male??

    6 x Socolofi (again one of the fish is much darker in colour - male?)

    So when should I or could I add more cichlids?....any suggestions on further tank mates?

    Certainly a giant time suck thus far and lovin' it!

    thanks in advance y'all!

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