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Ash T

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Posts posted by Ash T

  1. Well 4 & 1/2 days gone, and the 2 fish are still ok.

    Tested the water today and came up with ...

    Ammonia = less than 0.6 mg/l

    Nitrite = less than 0.1 mg/l

    Nitrate = less than 5 mg/l

    Ph 7.5

    Im guessing this means that the tank hasnt started to cycle yet.

    Are 2 penguin tetras enough to start cycling a 50 litre tank ?

    Or would it be better if i went and got 4-6 more ;)

  2. Yep, i get what ya mean Warren :wink: :roll:

    Well, the're still looking happy now at 11:15pm.

    So thats been about 8 hours.

    Before i added them, i did a ph test and it was about 7.5

    I also added some tap water treatment the day before.

    This site here is the one that i looked up when i got home,

    to find out what they were. Sorta forgot to look at the name and stuff before i left :lol:

    Lady at the lfs said they were pretty hardy, so that was me.

  3. Thanks :D

    Yep from reading the info here, and also info gained from stepfather,

    i know to only put 3-5 hardy fish in at first to "cycle" the tank :wink:

    Will also probably get some water testers and the like, altho, the 2 other tanks here have never been tested, just filled up from the tap, and the fish are all doing pretty well.

  4. Just to add a few visuals ;) .....


    Pregnant female ( i think )


    Another female with dark spot, but not that fat.


    Hmmmm spot the pregnant one :lol:


    Heres a females anal fin circled.


    And heres a male with his gonopodium tucked up behind his belly.

    If ive got any info wrong here, please do correct me !!!

  5. Thanks for the welcomes, great to see ya have a chat room too!

    Got that Bpftp downloaded and its a good one too, thanks to the

    person that recommended it in the chat room ! (forgot name)

    Heres a few of the fish in our tank, 1st one is my fav guppy.

    Hard to get a decent pic of him, as hes always hypo.



  6. Hi all

    Been visiting the forum for a few weeks now.

    Thought id finally say hello ;)

    I dont have any fish or tanks of my own at the moment, but my stepdad has a 170 odd litre tank with 10 black widows, 2 clown loaches, a swordtail, 2 catfish and about 30-40 guppys.

    When i get around to moving out and getting a house of my own, ill definatly be choosing fishes as pets. Ill probably start with guppys, as i like the variety in colour and ease of keeping them :D

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