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Everything posted by andrew129

  1. Hey guy's been making a background for my african tank what do think so far?
  2. http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/s ... php?id=750
  3. Not a pigeon blood Ryan, are the fry going to be alright in the main tank what should I do?
  4. one is a brillant blue and the other I am not sure brownee orange colour with dark stripes
  5. Hey guys I have a 180L discus tank with four discus in it 80-90mm body size, six rummy nose tetra's, three bleeding heart's and two golden BN. I have just noticed that one of my discus has hatched her eggs in the corner what should I do?, are they going to get eaten?, they are a cross breed is that bad? sorry about all the questions I have not had these discus long and first timer
  6. Thanks I am not trying to use T5 in T8 fittings I was wondering if they work in my light hood and what type of tubes for plant growth fish colour's, I have a aqua glow and power glow at the moment can I better this? Thanks
  7. Hi I have a three foot juwel aquarium planted discus tank and I was wondering about T5 T8 lighting what is the difference? do they work in my fitting the juwel has electronic lighting 2x tubes?. What should I have in mine for good plant growth and fish colours?. Thanks
  8. sorry I have been doubling the amount, plants moderatly planted, lights on ten hours a day, discus 80mm round body and feed twice a day. Thanks
  9. Hi I have set up a planted discus tank been going alright so far (4 months or so) all fish seem healthy and don't think I am over feeding as the discus clean up in a few seconds, lights on 10hours on timer, half a cap of flourish a week and a cap of flourish excel every two days 180L tank. Two three foot tubes in light hood 1 power glow and 1 aqua glow and I am getting a fine green hair like algae growing on my fern looking plant on my log also got black beard algae which is why I am doing the flourish excel treatment at the moment can any one help please newbie to plants and discus
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