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Everything posted by eben

  1. give me a few minutes to figure out how to upload these. I just took them and unfortunately these are the best I could do without waiting for hours.
  2. Have you done this successfully? I was considering this but would the buoyancy not be too great for the suction cups to hold down?
  3. I've got a piar of Synodontis njassae and Synodontis multipunctatus. my njassae are quite big now about 7 inches. I was wondering if you guys had any idea on how much they are worth. I paid insane amounts for these fish but they are very interesting and I probably wouldn't give them up for anything in the world. The reason I'm asking this is to determine if I've been had with the price...
  4. I've seen plenty of threads on how to Make Styrofoam backgrounds and caves. It does how ever appear that you have to silicon the end result to the tank. I've got a 540L 6' tank that I'm considering doing this for. I do have a couple of issues though. The tank is fully populated with fish (considering that we are attached to 99% of them we do not want to get rid of them). If I ever decided to get rid of the background and caves would I be able to do so without damaging the tank? Any idea appreciated.
  5. I've actually got a similar issue in my tank, with algae. I've tried the whole light thing I've even tried marine glo lights to try and kill it. No Luck. At one point I even had black algae. the interesting thing is that my silicate levels are pretty low and so are all other levels. I am a bit slack on my water changes and sometimes go up to 4 weeks between changes. When you guys say do not over feed what is considered overfeeding? I feed my tanks at most twice a day. I do have some tiny fronts in my tank now so it seems like they might trim it down? I've also got 2 Synodontis nyassae and 2 Synodontis multipunctatus These guys really do not seem to like the algae either. any ideas?
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