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Posts posted by stargazer

  1. Hi everybody I just bought a new filter Ehiem 2224. Is that a good filter for a 30 gal tank? Also; how long should I run the old filter, so the new one gets established? The old filter is one of those you hang on the outside of the tank. Any and all advice is appreciated

  2. thanks I have a test kit already, I believe I have a extra filter laying around to help get things started. I'm thinking of getting a canister filter for this tank, hopefuly will do better than existing filter. Aso the angels and loaches thank you so they aren't being a guina pig for new tank , loaches will be added after the tank cycles

  3. what i did with my BN was to let it eat all the algae in the tank first, then give it 1 or 2 chips every other day. The size of chips i use are about the size of my thumbnail. As for the wood it mostly sunk in just had to use a couple of weights as one end wanted to lift up, but after 1 week it was good. there was a little bit of water discoleration it cleared up in a couple of weeks.

  4. Camping with a 6 week old baby the very thought scares me. You can do it, but; there will be a lot of stress on you. Hiking with baby on your back and carrying diaper bag and all those other things needed to work with baby. If it were me I wouldn't do it. Vacations are meant to relax. Plus I would be worried about baby, too many things could happen to the baby. The only other bad idea that would be worse, would be asking the IRS to audit me.

  5. i just wanted to thank you for the betta advice my girfriend gave me 2 bettas when she left. i put one in spawnig trap and the other in the tank. well one got into the trap. one of them was tore up. but he pulled through. both are moving around and doing well, it's fun to watch them flare their gills at each other. will try to get a pic of them. btw whats the proper temp for them they seem to be doing fine at 76 deg F

  6. what i used to do in the U.S. was to use a conibear trap, breaks there necks, about a size 220 dig a hole in ground bait with p-nut butter. Then put trap over hole. Also in mating season use female possum urine instead of p-nut butter. here inthe states we just sell the skins. they,re supposed to be quite tasty but i'd never eat one. Good luck. also night hunting works very well too.

  7. welcome you can get a lot of useful info here. From what I understand about angels the somtimes eat the eggs the first few times the lay them. Oh; don't mind there attempt at humor, they're a good bunch of people, just not serious like me :D:D:D :lol: :lol: :lol:

  8. my gf is leaving and has given me 2 bettas, they are in two brandy snifters, the water hasn't been changed in a month. I've got a two cell spawning cage, I can put them in my tank that way. also, how do I deal with the tempreture differance there temp about 17 deg c, tank temp about 28 deg c ?? Any advice would be helpful

  9. Hi RebeccaG greetings from ohio, I assume you're from the Dalworth area. My cousin lives outside Houston. I am envious of your set-ups, oh well just gives me a reason to get a 2nd tank for me, a early christmas gift don't you know. Anyhow welcome!! :D:D

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