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Posts posted by stargazer

  1. imo radar detecters are pretty useless, at least in the states. Most localities use laser now, plus after a few years at best your unit becomes obsolete due to newer frequencies that are developed. plus the cops now keep there units off untill they shoot at you, thus you get little if any warning.

  2. Yes our possums are ugly, and hey don't taste good, they're scavangers here. It used to be that there pelts were worth a bit tho. could never understand why anyone would want to wear a possum skin coat. as for the roll over and play dead never had one do that, they mostly growl and hiss at you.

  3. awsome pics, as to the moral idea. I can't say, however I've seen a show about Africa with the drought going on ponds drying up and the fish are trapped. crocs and anything else can make a meal out of them. Myself personaly I wouldn;t do that with the fish and the cat. But in the real would nature can be very cruel.

  4. I've used a Garmin several times, very easy to use, I borrowed a friend of mines Garmin, didn't even have to read the instructions to use it. If you do take a wrong turn it will guide you back on track. I plan to buy one soon.

  5. Hello all I saw some unusual mollys at a lfs ysterday. I'm asumming that they are geniticaly modified. a silver molly with either red, green and blue vertical stripes or dotted with same colors. I didn't have my phone with me so I couldn't take any pics. Sorry. I'm just courious about them, I surely don't plant to get any for my tank

  6. well its been about 2 weeks now the ammonia and nitrite?, the one that comes after ammonia, are both zero. The nitrate? the last one in the cyce was about 60ppm, did a20% water change it is about 20 ppm. Am I doing right? I have 4 barbs in a 30 gal tank, someone gave me some filter media to speed up the process. Do you think next week would be ok to add either 4 tetras or a couple of cory cats?

  7. I'm not sure how you do it in New Zealand, In the states you can be 16yrs old or younger in you can find a clerk to run the sale. That being said use basic firearm saftey with them, my daughter shot my youngest son with one no harm done except a red mark but you should have heard him scream lol. Seriously tho treat it like a real firearm and you should have no probs.

  8. thank you for the information. I think I'll wait another week or so before adding any more fish. would Tetras be a good choice to go with Barbs? I can't think of the exact name of the Tetras i want, they are shaped similer to the green finned barbs except they are silver with a black stripe or 2 on them one stripe is by there gills

  9. well i might have had a head start on the cycling. some one gave me one of there filter cartriges for my filter. there was a slight rise on the ammonia count at first and same for the nitrite but they both dropped quickly to 0 the nitrate has been climbing over the week

  10. Hi I have a question on water changes. I'm in the process of setting up tank. I have 4 green tail barbs in the tank so far, 30 gal tank. readings are ammonia and nitrite are 0, nitrate is 40, ph is 7.0. should I do a change, or wait, the fish have been inthe tank for about 1 week now

  11. It's been a while since I've been here. I lost all my fish several month ago, and it really bothered me. since then I figured out some of the errors I made. And trying again, only much more cautiously. Once again I will be picking your brains

  12. the idea of using rain water could work, i have 2 downspouts so i could collect a fair amount doing that. as to how the water is contaminated, the only thing i can think of is that this is a older neighborhood we still have wells and septic tanks out here, and someones tank is leaking into the groundwater. i could put in a deeper well but that could cost $5000 to do that. city water and sewage is only about 200 to 300 meters away. anyhow i want to thank you all for the tip.

  13. hello everyone: well i'm still having problems with my tank. the water i use for my tank is contaminated with ammonia, comes that way from the well. I have an idea tho, if i used spring water, like the type used in water coolers would that work? i can get it for 40 cents a gallon delivered. the ammonia count coming out of the tap is over 8ppm has killed off all bacteria, and naturally all my fish. i haven't replaced any fish for over 3 months and am at wits end. if anyone has any suggestions i would appreciat it, my other option is to wait till we get city water out here, and that could be years from now

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