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mr pleco

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Posts posted by mr pleco

  1. wow kiwi plymouth you take awesome photos :bow: aswell its such a cool feeling to know these guys/girls have gone to great homes throughout the country they look fantastic 8)

    bulldog still have some if yr financial situation improves

  2. bugga adodge should of asked you how you take such amazing pics ....neva get mine that good nice to see they have seetled in well

    just a note thou for those looking

    top fish in first photo is L066 king tiger

    bottom fish in first photo is L270 chocolate zebra

    and botttom photo is L226 tiger panaque

    patterning will increase with age and size

    jealous of the photos i am :hail:

  3. geez just read this post ..sorry to hear about yr tank rochelle should have pmed me and i would have shot round to have a look

    i am confused by yr readings however i see that things are back to normal but it pays to know what went wrong i do believe somehow yr filter crashed either by powercut /or blockage a cycling filter with that many fish cant read 0 nitrate unless you are doing literally 100% water changes daily and i see in a later post that yr ammonia spiked to a almost yellowish colour this could be from the deaths of the fish but also i result from a crashed filter you were doing the right things by constant water changes in the same note it would have payed to stop feeding for a few days or remove some fish to help reduce the load on the filter it may have started as a chemical burn but it wasnt the end result unless it was a huge amount and burned all the fish in which case i would have expected to see the same happen to the discus as it did the BGK let me know if you need me to come have a loook or even test yr water for myself to find out what yr readings are ... have you always had these readings or has yr nitrates been higher in the past?

  4. l082












    L066 are available from me as for the rest L204 are here and some around i have 5 but not for sale the other numbers i havent seen as yet but that dosent mean they arent here or never will be but i doubt it

  5. Fantastic all right

    Mr pleco can you ammend :

    -Snowball to snowflake- snowball =L102 Hypancistrus species inspector.

    -L204 =flash pleco

    -Medussa= L255

    Butterfly plec- if this is from recent imorts then almost certainly L168 dekeyseria brachyura. I know the there was shipment a few years ago that were called L52( I recall catbrat IDing them as) but I never saw those

    Amazing stuff!!!

    sorry so many numbers and names to remember amendments have been done yes catbrat sold me the L052 ages ago its not the recent L168 thou i am looking for a suitable trio

  6. ok for anyone interested my updated list

    Common name: bristlenose pleco

    Scientific Name: ansistrus (sp)

    L number

    Male #'s 6

    Female #'s 10

    Successfully bred Y/N yes

    Common name: queen arab

    Scientific Name: hypansistrus

    L number L260

    Male #'s 1

    Female #'s 1

    Successfully bred Y/N YES :hail:

    Common name: king tiger

    Scientific Name: hypansistrus

    L number L066

    Male #'s 3

    Female #'s 1

    Successfully bred Y/N YES 8)

    Common name: chococlate zebra

    Scientific Name: hypansistrus

    L number L270

    Male #'s 5

    Female #'s 3

    Successfully bred Y/N YES 8) :P

    Common name: tiger panaque

    Scientific Name: panaque

    L number L226

    Male #'s 3

    Female #'s 2

    Successfully bred Y/N YES

    Common name: snowspot ansistrus

    Scientific Name: ansistrus

    L number unknown

    Male #'s1

    Female #'s 2

    Successfully bred Y/N YES

    Common name: gold nugget

    Scientific Name: baryansistrus

    L number L018

    Male #'s1

    Female #'s

    Successfully bred Y/N no :(

    Common name: snow flake

    Scientific Name: baryansistrus

    L number LDA33

    Male #'s1

    Female #'s 1 maybe

    Successfully bred Y/N no

    Common name: unknown

    Scientific Name: panaque

    L number L205

    Male #'s1

    Female #'s 1

    Successfully bred Y/N no

    Common name : /flash pleco

    Scientific Name: panaque

    L number L204

    Male #'s5

    Female #'s 0

    Successfully bred Y/N no

    Common name : blue phantom

    Scientific Name: hemiansistrus

    L number L128

    Male #'s3

    Female #'s 1 poss

    Successfully bred Y/N no

    Common name : green phantom

    Scientific Name: hemiansistrus

    L number L200

    Male #'s1

    Female #'s 1 poss

    Successfully bred Y/N no

    Common name : medussa

    Scientific Name: ansistrus

    L number L255

    Male #'s2

    Female #'s 1 poss

    Successfully bred Y/N no

    Common name : butterfly pleco

    Scientific Name: unknown

    L number L052

    Male #'s2

    Female #'s 2 poss

    Successfully bred Y/N no

    Common name : unknown

    Scientific Name: conchidion

    L number unknown

    Male #'s1

    Female #'s 1 poss

    Successfully bred Y/N no

    Common name : unknown

    Scientific Name: ansistrus

    L number sold as L213

    Male #'s1

    Female #'s 2

    Successfully bred Y/N yes

    Common name : butterfly

    Scientific Name: ansistrus

    L number L168

    Male #'s1

    Female #'s 0

    Successfully bred Y/N no

    Common name : clown pleco

    Scientific Name: panaque

    L number L104

    Male #'s2

    Female #'s 1

    Successfully bred Y/N no

    Common name : blue fin panaque

    Scientific Name: Baryansistrus beggini

    L number l239

    Male #'s1

    Female #'s 2

    Successfully bred Y/N no

    Common name : royal

    Scientific Name: royal panaque

    L number L027b

    Male #'s1

    Female #'s1 poss

    Successfully bred Y/N no

    Common name : watermelon

    Scientific Name: royal panaque

    L number

    Male #'s1

    Female #'s

    successfully bred Y/N no

    Common name :uknown

    Scientific Name: Hypancistrus sp

    L number L262

    Male #'s1

    Female #'s

    successfully bred Y/N no

  7. ty i will let you know what my tests are tomorrow

    I did cycle my jebo tank for at least 3 weeks but someone washed out the filters in the tap

    When this is sorted out and I do my weekly maintance

    How often do i change water and wash filter in bucket i got out of tank???

    I love my fish lol

    yep and with that," someone " yr tank is now recycling whilst overstocked and overfed ..no worries it will cycle just important to keep up the water changes until yr ammonia reading is zero for three consecutive days

    after that 1/3 water change once a week and depending on how much work yr filter is doing say a washout (in extank water ) once a month should suffice ... this information is dependant on the fact that you have the right stocking levels for yr tank / yr not over feeding / and yr tank has zero ammonia at any test given and would be classed as the" ideal "

    situation but theres no harm in more water changes , you will learn about yr filter i.e if the filter flow appears slowish or you can see alot of "gunk " in the filter wool then you can clean it more often if yoiu clean it in tank water taken fom the tank itself and wash the excess off theoretically you can wash it as often as you like but once a month or even once every two months seems the norm , think of it like the filter in a dishwasher the more dishes you wash and the dirter those dishes are the more you have to empty the filter out this is why its important you read up on stocking levels and carefully observe your feeding amounts if these two things are right and you have regular weekly waterchanges it lessens the workload on you and yr fish are less likely to have problems

  8. Thanks heaps done the changes already I changed the gravel so thats not gonna help if I loose my fish I will live thank god they were cheap

    three days without food babies should be fine, by what you have stated above sounds like nothing to be too worried about anyway

    when you do go back to feeding just remember only what the fish CAN EAT in 5 minutes (thats no food left lying around ) :wink:

  9. My guy on another spawn, the moment the last lot got evicted, in fact it was a bit of a catfight outside, so all good.

    Hopefully we have a new "stud" on the block.

    I mean the fish Mr Pleco!!

    well its not the first time ive been called that :P

    yeah may have to come for a looksy firenzenz as he dosent colour up like yrs but in saying that hes in with about 30 L270 and the decor isnt that flash just dont have somewhere to permantly 'put him up" at the moment

    im with you on the "Hypancistrus lunaorum?" even thou its a good lookalike theres more spots and size to mine than the pics for the other one and he is about 8-9cm

  10. Right here we go first tank

    2 foot standard size

    55 litre

    25 guppies (approx) 5 babies, 5 cat fish that i can see

    5 neons

    Ph 6.6

    ammonia 0.25 ( colour next to yellow which is 0

    Tank cycled for 2 weeks added fish over another 2, wouldnt of put all those guppies in there but i got given some

    one dead catfish


    easy overstocked at this rate i would be doing 50 % water changes daily

    pls define good filtration ?

    4-5 buckets of water @ 10l a bucket = 40-50L ?

    ammonia present can represent a tank cycling BUT does not always represent this the reading you want is 0

    water change 30% daily for three days and Do Not Feed for as many is my opinion

    changing gravel can disrupt cycling depending if yr running a UGF (under gravel filter )


    mr pleco

  11. thank you everyone :) Asides from boring my friends and husband by discussing my fishies at great length I don't really know anyone 'locally' (in a planetary sort of way) who is also significantly into fish so I am very keen to join in and get to know other people similarly addicted :)

    addicted whos addicted ? :o nah must be some other forum members yr talking about :D

    welcome to the forums cirianz :)

  12. lol havent owned one of these but i would assume they eat like bristlnose cucumber /courgette and some shrimp pellets for conditioning i believe they are called flathead gold nugget but could be wrong and grow to around 20cm mark

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