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    golf, turtles

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  1. Do Calcium blocks quite regularily. Like the idea about a carrot and am about to try it out.
  2. They are fed generally once every couple of days and are being fed a mixture of wasp larve, frozen fish stuff with calcium aditives etc. This stuff is costom made for Turtes and the love it. I have wound the temperature of the tank up to 28.5 - 29 degs(from about 25) and this has done the trick I think. The action has stopped happenning and he seems a lot more happy. I also feed them both in a separate tank and the water quality is much better in the main tank and for much longer. I fed in the main tank three times when I first got them 3 years ago and the stink in three days was enough to find a better way. Now all I have to do is get rid of the shell fungus....
  3. cheers, off to the vet tomorrow I think, just got to find one in Wellington that has some experience with Turtles..... If anyone knows about a vet in the Porirua area I would be grateful if I could have a name and number (it will save me a bunch of phone calls in the morning).
  4. Thanks for your questions The troubled one is 115mm and the other one is 175mm. the tank is heated to about 26 and there is a UV light on during the day. the tank is 900 X 450. He tries to bite his neck by turning his head and the action with the legs is in a motion towards the neck rather than the head. His mouth is normal without cuts, rash or leasions, inside or out and there is no viasable markings on the outer of the neck.
  5. I have had a couple of sliders for 3 years now with no problems, but recently one of them has started to react strangly after being fed. He eats the same sort of volume as always, but after eating he is trying to bite himself in the neck (this does look strange) and is using unusual actions with his front legs in an action that looks like he is trying to clear something from his throat. I am at a loss to understand what is going on here and need some help if possible. He also is basking under an artificial UV light almost all of the time and does not really show much in the way of activity. When he is fed he seems to be active enough, but something is not right.
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