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Everything posted by bettabrett

  1. Hi Aarron we have claret bettas we bought about seven of them and have had trouble with them they are a very timid fish and like a slightly acidic water and plenty of coverage . We have four left all females i think our male died the male has a small spot on its side just like a bruise . They are supposed to be very hard to breed from we have tried to get some more males but are finding it very hard i hope this information helps you brett
  2. Does anyone have any photos of a male claret bettas i am looking at buying some soon have found females but no males thanks
  3. I am having problems breeding this month i have tried diffrent pairs together but nothing we had a nice spawn about six weeks ago but nothing since then.The males dont seem to want to blow nests for some reason can anybody out their give me some advice Thankyou Brett
  4. I have a red veiltail male whom i am trying to breed with round tail female i am having all kinds of problems with him. I released the female from her compartment yesterday she wants to mate she keeps going over to the cup but he refuses to blow a bubble nest just keeps chasing her around the tank then going back to the cup. The rest of my males are great just this one can anybody give me any ideas to encourage him to blow a nest .
  5. bettabrett


    can anybody please give me some advice on how to post photos on this site .I asked this question last week but not much came of it thankyou ps i want to put my siamese photos on here .
  6. bettabrett


    how do you put your photos on i am using picaso but cant seem to get my pics small enough to upload on my profile and on here.
  7. Thankyou Aaron, our betta's are finally mating. WE HAVE EGGS :bounce: He has blown a small bubble nest and is puting the squeeze on however the female is real quick and eats some of the eggs as they reach the bottom of the tank.
  8. I have a cambodian male siamese fighter seven months old whom wont blow any bubbles we have a female whom he seems very interested in he is flaring and so is she but no bubbles should i let her out ?
  9. thankyou so much every one for your advice we will let you know how we get on hopefully everything goes well, brett
  10. We are having all sorts of problems breeding siamese fish we have followed all the guidelines but no results. Our males are not blowing nests and when we intoduce them to the females the females are not interested.We have been putting the female in a container and leaving her for fifteen minutes twice a day then when the male gets excited putting the female in the tank he normaly nips her and we have to take her out in case she gets hurt. Can anybody please tell me what i am doing wrong??
  11. Thankyou everyone for your help i will try a bubble transfer as one of my younger males is blowing up large .We have been feeding him bloodworms twice a day but since the female arrived in his tank he has not been eating much more interested in the female than food.
  12. We have a 7 month old male cambodian siamese fighter, he doesn't appear to blow a bubblenest. We have put in a 5 month old female who has egged up nicely and seems real keen to get it on. I have put a plastic lid in his tank to encourage him to blow but no luck. Any tips please???
  13. You can keep more than one female in a tank but intoduce other females over a period of time slowly.I keep the new female in a net or breeding box for about 24 hours then let her out with the other fish and watch carefully sometimes they will have a tussle but if its not anything too serious just leave them
  14. thankyou for the sites Aaron i will check them out
  15. can anyone please give me some good web sites for betta breeding thanks brett
  16. Hi mate no it wasnt the fish we got from you these two females are about approx 5 months old the female that we thought was egging up also got chomped up to .Jade is healing nicely but we will buy some melafix as you reccomended to help his fins heal.I will write a proper email to you later .
  17. For the past few days i have had two female siamese fighters in the same tank as my green crown tail male fighter hoping to get the ladies egged up. This afternoon the crown tail was attacked by one of the females and had his lovely tail fins shredded he is now isolated. I would like to know if this is a common problem thankyou Brett
  18. I am looking for Betta Breeders in the Bay Of plenty area we have just started breeding and are looking to contact other breeders
  19. Oh yea, all the males are seperated and i've just added lots more plant cover etc
  20. :lol: :lol: hehe sorry, i got so excited i forgot to mention they're siamese fighting fish
  21. Hi everyone, We have just moved to Rotorua from Wellington, what a long trip. We had to put all our tropicals in a chilly bin for the move but all went as smooth as, we didn't lose one Since being here in Roto Vegas we have got very keen on breeding betta's and have got some fantastic fish to start off with, though not much happening at the moment. Sooo any info forthcoming would be much appreciated. Although our guppy's and mollies did the deed and we have ended up with heaps of those :lol:
  22. Looking for Betta Breeders in the Rotorua / Tauranga area, Brett
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