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  1. Ouch! What sort of fish did you have?
  2. I wouldnt think so, there supposed to be kept reasonably warm but who knows Aww bugger.. all my goldies surviived lol
  3. Haha na your alright, just a sore spot
  4. Ha..... funny..... not
  5. Thanks everyone, between you and me he was my fav. I moved all my fish into a white wheely bin sort of thing, its was probably too about 70litres. I left it uncovered until we left. Only filled it about 1/3. Put the lid on and left them in the sun as much as i could have in the car. Stopped off to check on them and he was already gone with his mouth stuck open. Maybe he was gasping?
  6. I think i posted somewhere about moving from Timaru to Dunedin but cant find the thread. I finally moved all my fish and my beautiful albino pleco yesterday but within 40mins of the trip my pleco had passed away. Not quite sure what happened but was gutted
  7. They will also have to travel for two hours before going in They should be alright shouldnt they?
  8. Do i need to be very careful? Is summer the best time to do it? There currently in a tank heated at about 24 degrees
  9. At this stage Health Science first year then take it from there with the following years
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