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Everything posted by Michelle.g

  1. Ok, I will have another go at putting up a photo:
  2. I have had my new 4ft tank set up for a few days now. Got some cycled media, so added some fish and plants two days ago. Fish are a couple of bristlenose, 5 apistos and 6 sterbai cories. I came home from work this afternoon and found some eggs on front glass. Had a closer look and there is lots of eggs on the underside of plant leaves too. They are in groups of 3-10 eggs. Whose eggs are they? Hopefully not snails! The eggs are around 1.5mm diameter and are white. I will try to put up a pic, but I haven't done this before so I'm sorry if it doesn't work.
  3. They are T8. I could change the 15,000K bulbs for cheap 6,500K lights now. But if the plants will grow ok with the bulbs I already have, I should just change them the next time I buy bulbs right?
  4. Thankyou for pointing out that as the filter clogs up a bit the flow will slow. I will wait and see how it goes before I drill any new holes. And I'm going to cut some off the end of the spraybar. Thanks for the advice theconch and paekakboyz.
  5. Another question: I recently bought two 4ft light hoods for my new tank and these came with new bulbs. The first hood has one 8,000 and one 15,000K bulb, the second hood has one 10,000 and one 15,000K bulb. All are 40W. I want to grow plants, are the 15,000K bulbs actually any good for plants? I'm thinking of replacing both the 15,000K bulbs with 6,500K ones. Is this a good idea?
  6. Michelle.g


    Last night I got the filter going on my new 240L tank (48x18x18"). The spraybar for the cannister filter (Aqua One cf1200) is about 18.5" long so it doesn't quite fit horizontally in the tank. I have it on an angle, but I don't like it like this. Could I cut a little off the end of the spraybar without breaking it? Also, I think the current is a little too strong for the fish I want to keep. So could I drill a few more holes in it? I would like to have some holes directing water along the surface of the water and will drill a few extra holes to direct some water down toward the substrate. Would this be ok? I have a spare spraybar that's the same size, but I don't want to cut anything if it's a bad idea. Thanks.
  7. I'm in my 6th year at Canterbury. Nearly finished my Masters thesis. Are you studying too Slightly Blue Dalmation? Thanks for the info Navarre. The Water Garden is pretty close to where I live so might have a look there first. If possible I would still be interested to know if it is possible to make up some kind of chelated trace mix, if anyone has some ideas on what to add. Thanks.
  8. Michelle.g


    I'm interested in using some PMDD in a 240L planted tank if it's not too difficult/expensive to make. Saw this in a previous thread: I'm a biochemistry student, so should be able to make it and I can get hold of most of the ingredients through family, but where could I get some "chelated trace mix" in Chch, or could I make something similar to it? Thanks.
  9. Thanks everyone for the advice. I have seen the driftwood at Hokitika before and it's very nice, and free too! So I will try find a couple of nice pieces when I'm over there. The driftwood is not needed immediately so if I give it a bit of a scrub, a good rinse and leave it soaking in water in a covered container outside until it's needed is this ok?
  10. I'm hoping to drive over to Hokitika (West Coast of Sth Island) this weekend and while I'm there have a look for driftwood and sand/gravel for a 4ft freshwater tank. The tank will have discus in it and be planted. Is driftwood from a beach ok? Or should I use wood from a river bed? If I scrub the outside of the wood and boil it will it be ok? And I would like to get sand from a river bed if it's suitable. How would I clean it? Could beach sand be used instead? Oh, and if anyone has good ideas where to collect nice driftwood or sand between Chch and Hokitika that would be awesome! Michelle.
  11. Thanks for the replies. I think I will get 2 baby bristlenose. Sounds like they will be ok with my girl, and I will make sure there are lots of hiding places. I'm not worried what sex they turn out to be, as long as they are happy.
  12. How many bristlenose would be ok in a 4 ft ~240L tank, it will be planted. Tankmates will be 5 sterbai corys, two clown loaches (small), about 10 cardinal tetras and a couple of dicus. I already have 1 bristlenose in a 3ft tank, she is about 10cm. I hope to transfer her to the new 4ft tank when its up and going. Could I add another 2 bristlenose? Would it be best to get more females, and is it best if they are the same size as the one I already have? Thanks, Michelle.
  13. Which cannister filter would be best for ~240L tank? Hoping to have a couple of discus in this tank.
  14. Thanks for the information tHEcCONCH. Could I keep four discus in a tank this size? Would four discus be ok together?
  15. Planning to get a new tank, and would really appreciate anyones thoughts before I buy anything. Have had several tropical fish tanks, but never kept discus and I would like to have a couple of discus in a reasonably well planted tank. I realise this may be a challenge, so I plan to set up the tank for discus and see how I go! This is the basic plan: - Tank: 48 x 18 x 18", with lids. - Filter: Fluval 305 - Lighting: 2 x double aqua one lighthoods, 4 x ~40W tubes (what tubes to use?) - Heating: 2 x 150W heaters, aim to keep temp ~28degrees. - Plants: Start with valisineria (sp?), java fern, crypts. Later, gradually replace with anubias, dwarf chain sword, amazon sword. etc. Will use ferts, but probably no CO2 setup. - Fish: About 10 tetras (probably cardinals), 5 sterbai corys, 2 small clown loaches, 1 bristlenose (maybe more?), a couple of discus - Substrate: layer of Daltons aquatic mix, covered with a fine light coloured gravel - Water changes: At least 25%, twice a week Would this be ok? Michelle.
  16. Thanks for the replies. I think I will go with the metal stand with the bottom frame. My friend who will make the stand asked me if this bottom frame will be ok even if the floor is slightly uneven? (which I hope it isn't!) I would like to have a shelf to sit the cannister filter on, so will probably have an extra frame between the bottom and top and put plywood on it for a shelf. Also, the metal will need to be coated/painted after the stand is made. Any suggestions what to use?
  17. I'm trying to plan a tank stand for a tank that is 48 x 18 x 18". Two options: (I have friends/ family that have necessary equipment and expertise for either) 1. Metal stand. Probably won't cost much, but I'm worried about the legs of the stand. I live in quite an old flat with creaky floorboards, and I'm worried that all that weight on four legs is not a good idea? 2. Stand made of 4 x 2" frame, with plywood on the outside. Will cost more than metal stand. A safer way to transfer the weight to the floor though? Which is best? I think I prefer the idea of a metal stand, but is there some way to design the stand so it transfers the weight the floor more safely?
  18. I have the fry separated based on size and some jarred as well. I was afraid that the ones with the bent spine may not recover. I don't like the idea, but I think I may have to cull them. Thankyou for the help.
  19. I'm raising betta (siamese fighting fish) fry at the moment, they are around 3 months old. When they were younger several of the smallest fry would just sit on the bottom of the tank all the time, and some of these did not survive. The problem I have now is that some of the fry are small and not very strong looking and 3 of these have a bit of a "hunchback". Will this come right? Most of the fry seem healthy and I would like to see them all like this. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks.
  20. They are beautiful bettas you have there. I keep one male and two female bettas in a community tank. The male flares at the females a bit, but they all seem pretty happy.
  21. Hi. I'm pretty new to breeding bettas, about 3 months ago my bettas spawned for the first time and I'm currently raising the fry. I left the female in a clear plastic separator within the breeding tank so the male could see her for about 2 days before she was released. I gave the male floating polystyrene but he chose to build a nest in the floating plant instead, so I recommend that you give him plenty of options for a place to build a nest. If you have a filter running make sure the water is not too turbulent. I also keep one male and two female bettas in my community tank where there is plenty of water movement, but recently I had my filter off for a day to do some repairs and overnight the male built a huge bubble nest. Also, how long do you leave the male and female together? It took mine about 24 hours until they finally figured out how to spawn. Good luck with your bettas.
  22. Awake Moonlight or Sunlight
  23. Wow, that's alot of fry. Thanks everyone for your help. I will pass the advice onto my friend. They already have fry so maybe some more plants will offer the fry protection from the Mum's. Thanks again.
  24. rotars White bread or brown bread
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