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Posts posted by rob1066

  1. dwarf cichlid (S.American) one would be nice, and viewable by members of that " club" only.

    Then one can be done for africans too, also only viewable by members of that group. That way the forum does not get too big and complicated for everyone else, and no one can complain.

    We would still use the main forum for all issues, its just tracking the lines that could be done through the new sections.

    Best idea i've heard so far

    Thanks phoenix44

  2. I am putting this out there to see what interest there would be in setting up a club for Apistogrammas like the killi club

    So we can keep track on whos got what and we can make sure we keep these great little cichlids going and not have them lost to the hobby like some of already have

    Also with all the new species coming into the country we don't want to lose track of them because we might not get another chance at them

    So please let us know your thoughts and if theirs enough support i will see how to go about starting one up

    Also anyone who is willing to help i would appreciate it



  3. Hi all

    Just to let you know that my two aqualog books arrived today

    They are Southamerican cichlids 2 and Aqualog extra The Latest Apistogrammas

    The photos are just stunning

    To give you an idea they list around 15 different colors strains of agassizii on the first three pages

    So arn't i going to have fun drooling over these books

    I think i'll wear a bib :lol:



  4. Hi yes i have a tamron 90 f2.6I use it on my Pentax k200d for all my macro shots

    My mate uses the same lens on his Canon and recondes its the best lens he has

    It is also good for taking portraits

    And also at a good price compared to brand lens

    Hope this helps

    Cheers Rob

  5. i did nitrite and ammonia and they were both fine, the other female is fighting strong and nothing seems to look wrong with her. i brought the 3 that died all at the same time and introduced the one that is still alive around 4 days later.

    They were in a tank of there own before the breeding tank was set up and that was for a good solid week and they where doing fine, as for the 3 that did die there was no signs that they had been attacked or any sign of damage to there gills or anything it has me puzzled i just brought 2 delta tale females this afternoon and they are in a different tank with the surviving female till i can get the tank right.

  6. Hey all,

    Your male looks very nice, hope all is going well with him and breeding,

    I just recently set up a breeding tank for my betta's i have 2 males and 5 females. 1 is a ct and the other male is a veil tail.

    I have a strong feeling that my ct is ready to make a nest and start breeding with one of the females i have, will post photo's later once he has started his nest, i put a half poly cup in this arvo and he has been hanging under it and looking like he is trying to build a bubble nest.

    Any advice anyone can give me on breeding betta's would be much appreciated


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