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Posts posted by Dixon1990

  1. One of ours does the tongue thing - when it stops licking itself and looks at you, the tongue is still sticking out...

    My cat does this all the time, Because hes missing one of his big bottom teeth :lol:

    He looks so stupid when he does it :lol:

  2. i honestly think that ppl should be less concerned about breeding goldens and normal bn's. Increasing genetic variation in a species isn't a bad thing and never has been - of course releasing those offspring into wild populations would be irresponsible.

    we breed fish like discus for desired traits all the time by selective line breeding... what if this was another one of those selected traits?

    I know there are a lot of ppl against crossbreeding etc - but it's far too late now to stop- man has already altered the genes / traits off too many species.

    and we cant be selectively for or against crossbreeding! that's unfair isn't it?

    The thing is, we dont know if the Commons, GBA, and Albinos are all the same species(they could be many Ancistrus)

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