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Everything posted by mystic_beth

  1. Hello I'm new to the forum and only just getting back into Tropical fish. I'm based in Tasmania. I have just set up a Aqua one 980 and when it settles will move my two elephant noses out of my AR510 into it and get them another two or three companions. The 510 originally just had one nose, but as I was getting the new tank I couldn't pass up this other in the shop a week ago They are quite good together, after an initial pecking order squabble, now they are like a pair of contented grazing horses. The new tank is primarily to make a beautiful home for my noses, but I was wondering what other fish go well with them, that will add a little colour? The man in the aquarium suggested Discus..but which kind (I never had them before). Any suggestions. Thanks guys and gals.
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