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  1. So I still can't decide which one to get. But in passing for reviews (not many about) I came across an interesting FX5 v Eheim 2080 review. http://biotope.multiply.com/reviews Does anyone think the 3e would be better than the pro3? :oops:
  2. Oh cool shouldnt be a problem then. And i'll send you a PM about pricing.
  3. My biggest conern is how loud is the pump noise on this thing, I mean standing so much money and then figuring out that its as loud as a kettle. Any ideas how loud?
  4. Hellos, I have been investigating on getting a bigger filter for my turtle the last month or so, have got some quotes etc. So the two choices are the Eheim 2080 Professional 3 and the Eheim 2078 Professional 3e. The 3e is $50 more. and both prices I have obtained is well, cheap considering what i've seen Problem is I dont know which one to choose, What does everyone else think? The 3e has more flow per hr, 1850L v 1700L I think. If that helps :oops: Advice, suggestions welcome. Oh I want to stay Eheim branded :lol: Thanks
  5. Who has an Eheim Pro 3e 2078 filter? (or similar i.e. Eheim Pro 3) Just wanting to know how people are finding the filter, pros and cons. Well you know the deal. Review it bascially. Looking at a new filter for the turtle sometime when I upgrade the tank. Looking at options, etc. Hmmm, May be there should be a 'section' dedicated to Filter reviews. :oops:
  6. Those inlets and outlets are like drilled thru the glass right? then hooked up via, like hasen (sp) tank connections right, (can't remember the probably name :oops: ) I want to do that when I get a bigger tank, but so affraid of leakage
  7. I'm thinking of upgrading to that filter eventually. I said eventually as I dont think the current Eheim 2213 is going to die anytime soon lol I was looking at the Pro IIIe? I think its called, and I want one, anyone know how much one of them are? :oops: Oh the Eheim 2213 is good, but want better, but cant complain when I brought the thing it was part of the tank setup, annoying thing, is priming it, Me want self prime thanks :lol: :-? :roll:
  8. Fishboi, how do you manage to not completely drain the tank for so long? Think I am following the 'hot house turtles' recommendation of a complete change every week and she seems happy Yeah I'm going to have a basking area so that she can swim under it, therefore having the full 1500 length to swim in Also the word siphoning, thats reason why I want to put a drain plug in, I mean you do a little gravel vac. and have to continue to hold the vac to siphone the water out dont you? (well thats how I have done it). So if you put a drain plug in, you turn on the pump, 'walk away' or in my case walk the turtle, give it some exercise. Making water changes a bit fast as you can do two things at once, hence saving time :oops:
  9. Yeah thanks. I know I change my turtle water like every week :oops: And well you see its quite amount of water to drain! So I had the idea of hooking a universal pump say to the drain plug, do a gravel vac of the bottom of the tank to get the 'large pieces' out and then use the the pump to get the remaining water out. Saves me lifting like 20+ bucket loads of water out every week when I can turn on the pump, hook it to the garen hose and water the garden with the water. :lol: In the future I was hoping to hook the gravel vac to the tank outlet and let the pump do the vac for me. but thats just been lazy :lol: :oops:
  10. Not sure if this is the right section, but move it if it isnt. Anyway Hiya everyone, kinda new, sort of old. and hey my first post To the point. I'm looking at getting a new tank, size 1500x600x600mm for my turtle. Two Options: 1) To make it out of glass, just your standard rectangle siliconed together, common fish tank with square corners. 2) Or, to round the front two corners of the tank to make it look rather 'flash' looking (Rounded corners meaning the depth sides and the front side been one continuous piece of glass) Both options with a 'drain plug' at the bottom to drain all the water for water changes and cleaning :lol: Questions: 1) How much would one expect to pay for either options? 2) Is it a good idea to have a 'drain plug' at the bottom especially when its filled and water pressure could cause the tap/fitting to leak? 3) Is having curved corners a waste of time and should I just have square corners, ie. is there cleaning advantages having rounded corners? 4) Should I just get a Jebo one (think i read on here they have one the same spec) or go to Port Nicholson? I've tried faxing Port Nicholson Glass my idea/spec to get a quote, but it doesnt seem to be getting thru, the line keeps saying 'busy' unless its the wrong fax number??? :oops: Does my tank sound good so far? :oops:
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