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About Jess

  • Birthday 11/17/1989

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  1. No not yet! I have got him in a tank by himself as he has been getting chased and thought that wasn't going to help the situation! It's not any worse so thats good...but is still there.
  2. Yeah have tested and are low.
  3. Have checked water. Ph is 7.0. Amonia is nil. Temp is around 29. I do a water change with rain water every 5 - 7 days. Feed them flake & grain in the morning and brine shrimp, blood worms or meat mix at night. Have got a UV sterilizer. When I was treating him with melafix he was swimming around crazy and trying to jump out of the tank like he had something on him. Would this be linked?
  4. Was wondering if anyone can help me... Discus had a red sore appear on his face one day. Thought he might have injured himself. Have tried melafix and salt bath (salt helped a little). Has been like this for about 3-4 weeks - not getting better or worse. Sometimes sore is whitish in the middle. He has recently turned quite dark but is still eating and swimming around. Any suggestions??
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