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  1. Thank you for your reply Snowkiwi. What you say certainly makes perfect sense and i'm sure you are correct. It's just that only 1/3 of the supplied noodles fit underneath the sponge filter and when placed there they obstruct the water flow. I can't believe Jebo have no information on the Web about this.
  2. I bought a new Jebo r331 as a hospital/quarantine tank but on opening the box i found no instructions for assembly. I also found that the model is the new style although the box depicted the old under gravel filter system. I have managed to assemble it all and it has been running ok, however i'm not sure whether the noodles should be placed on top of the coarse sponge media or under the plastic grate at the bottom? I have placed the noodles at the top now but the water level seems a little low. Previously i had some noodles under neath but it restricted the water flow to the tank and overflowed back through the heater compartment. Any ideas please? :roll:
  3. I always put the meds in after i have vacuumed and done the water change. I just realised how the meds work!!! They kill all the fish with white Spot therefore rendering your tank clear. (sad humor on a grim day) Neadless to say the last Clown died. The rest of the fish are oblivious to the ordeal and as healthy as could be. I would still love to here from someone to whether White spot is ever present in aquariums or has to be introduced. I know a collegue of mine says he had a disease free tank for 2 years, introduced no new plants or fish in that time and still got a bout of White Spot. He does however have another tank and i wondered if he unwittingly cross contamined. Thank you to everybody for your input.
  4. Hi Alan, Yes Wunder Tonic has all of those ingredients. I was at a stage where i either beat the life cycle of the Ich or it took my fish anyway. I can honestly say that the "White Spot Cure" had absolutely no effect on curing the Clowns. I have now exasperated the situation by killing off my bio filter with the Wunder Tonic. Ich can only be killed at the free swimming Tomite stage. This is usually a period of 2 days at these temps. I think because the Clowns hide away in the caves close to where the Cysts lay during cell division, the tomites on hatching find their host too quickly before the meds can over come them. Also because Clowns have no scales they are really sitting ducks in may ways. In hind sight i think i should have moved the clowns to a hospital tank and treated them seperately. Of course still treating the main tank also. I really didn't want to stress the Clowns by moving them.
  5. Hi Alan, I am aware of the kill period you speak about thank you. White spot has been present on my Clowns for 3 weeks progressively getting worse. However other fish have recovered upto twice in that period. It is the Clowns keeping the white Spot cycle going. Meds have been in the water everyday for a week and a half. Prior to that it was every 3 days as prescribed on the bottle. I would have kept the meds going for several days after the last sighting but the oportunity has not presented it's self yet. Blue Circle, White spot cure then Wunder Tonic
  6. Thanks Billaney, but my temp has been 29 deg C all week. It just sped up the infestation.
  7. A quick search of "white spot" and "Clown Loaches" on the FNZAS Forum reveals that i am not the only one to have had major problems in removing white spot from my tank. After 3 weeks of battling, i have my first 2 casualties. (Clowns) Yes i have researched my foe and know it's life cycle intimately. Uped water temp removed carbon filter salted (1/2 dose at first) Medicated (half dose at first) Vacuumed regularly Water changes Checked water balances, ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,KH My tank was cycled. My Penguin Tetras, Guppies and Algea loaches did have it, and i have won that battle. I know where it came from. My LFS, as i noticed the white spot on one of my Clowns the next day after i had introduced them. After inspecting the tank back at the shop i found a good number of infected clowns in their tank. "Thanks a lot fellas" Question please to the highly experienced fishos out there. The books i have read have differences of opinion on whether this parasite is always present in fish tanks, or that it has to be introduced through contamination only. I known distressed fish are more susceptible. White Spot also needs a host to survive, but can it lie dormant waiting for the less than diligent Aquarist to slip up? Also the last med i used was Wunder Tonic, apart from colour my tank a trendy shade of green, it has dead set murdered my bio filter. Will the recycle take as long the second time around? More importantly i am going to be faced with a large ammonia load for a while as i had introduced my fish slowly first time around. Any suggestions please?
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