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    New Zealand, Auckland

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  1. Have just upgraded from a 1.2 x 0.5 tank to a 1.5 x 0.6. I have a arcadia metal hallide lamp with 2 x 250w lamps (20k aquamedic). Anyone running anything similar on a 5ft? and what results have you had. Have been thinking of changing to 2 x 250w running luminarc refelctors or adding some t5 tubes to add some more light. But if I am not going to see any huge improvement wont do it as do like the look of the arcadia unit Keeping sps and lps corals
  2. andrem

    Tank Upgrade

    Smaller fish, maybe a yellow tang, blue tang, already have a few sps / lps corals plus some soft corals. Want the ability to keep as much variety as possible. Love Mandarins so really want to ensure I have a refugum going to keep them fat!
  3. andrem

    Tank Upgrade

    I wish I could but it wont fit!!. ( and I aint removing my home cinema!) Have already made the stand and in process of finishing it off. Will go bigger once I get another house :-). I am going from a 280ltr tank to a 540ltr tank and increasing my total water volume from about 350ltrs to around 700ltrs. But no dount in about 3 months time i will be kicking myself for not pulling walls down to put in the 6ft tank!
  4. andrem

    Tank Upgrade

    Hi guys, after about 3 months running a 4ft tank have decided its time to go for a 5 foot (would have gone bigger but no more space). Re locating my sump from under the tank to my spare room behind the tank so have lots of options for sump design. I am not wanting to get TOO complicated with sump design but appreciate some opinions, am wanting to include a refugum in my system. Separate Refugum Is it better to have a tank dedicated to this separate from the sump, and if so better to direct some water flow from the overflow to this on the way to the sump or run a pump from the sump and and overflow back from the refugum. Or other option is to include the refugum in my sump design as I have at present wherby water arrives in first compartment with the skimmer then goes through a bubble trap into the refugum and then back to the main tank. Miracle Mud Can anyone using or who has used this product comment about it, seems much debate on wether its is worth using. Its VERY expensive!.. Thanks
  5. the first was out the front of the tank within about 1 hour of adding, the second one the next day. I have a wavy sea and 2 1100 seios (4ft tank)so have a large amount of flow in the tank, they dont seem to mind to much. Adding the second didnt seem to change the behaviour of the 1st fish.
  6. I have two also and they are all over the place, always hang around the front of the tank, also very agressive eaters.
  7. I have two also and they are all over the place, always hang around the front of the tank, also very agressive eaters.
  8. andrem


    thanks for your input guys, I will try the reef solutions stuff. That website thow is amazing, couldnt ask for more info than that. Would just be great if many of the products were available here!!
  9. andrem


    thanks wasp, do you know where I can get that and who makes it?. Also what is actually in it?
  10. andrem


    The green one that the two clowns thought was there anenome.
  11. andrem


    Got a gonipora of bens friend yesterday, Can anyone give me some advice on what to feed it and how often. Any other advice on this coral appreciated as understand reasonably hard to keep.
  12. I am pretty happy with my broken bits....thanks craig!
  13. added a fish from an LFS. I can only make comments on my personal experience with the UV unit I have been using. The whitespot was actually on the fins of the fish and not the body. Today all white spot gone. Fish behaving normally in every other way. I note from reading previous posts that others have had similar experience with similar units to mine. I am not trying to sell any one product or the other am just commenting on what results I have noticed in my tank with the equipment I use. I would however like to try one of these 54w units (or something similar) and see if I get any different results.
  14. I am running same brand as steve but 18w. After about 3 - 4 weeks my skimmer output is back to what it was prior the UV unit install, however my tank has only been matured for about 2-3 months, I started adding vodka a month ago (had new tank syndrome) now have no nuisance algae and coraline algae is growing VERY quickly as are my corals (am certain the UV unit also helped remove the problem alage. I did have problems with whitepsot which is why I added the uv unit in the first place it got rid of the whitespot on the fish, but added some new fish a week ago and now have a small whitespt outbreak on those fish a couple days ago, fish continued to feed happily and normal behaviour in all other ways today only very very few spots remain. I concede that this unit is probably not as good as some of the other brands that are out there but without I think I could have suffered a major whitepot outbreak without it and probable losses.
  15. I thought as much, is not a very big one, and infact came out of a tank with inverts....(same tank as the polyps) and didnt eat them in there. Guess there was not so much to eat in my tank and he got hungry. Assume all turbo snails are reef safe?
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