Hi guys, after about 3 months running a 4ft tank have decided its time to go for a 5 foot (would have gone bigger but no more space). Re locating my sump from under the tank to my spare room behind the tank so have lots of options for sump design. I am not wanting to get TOO complicated with sump design but appreciate some opinions, am wanting to include a refugum in my system.
Separate Refugum
Is it better to have a tank dedicated to this separate from the sump, and if so better to direct some water flow from the overflow to this on the way to the sump or run a pump from the sump and and overflow back from the refugum.
Or other option is to include the refugum in my sump design as I have at present wherby water arrives in first compartment with the skimmer then goes through a bubble trap into the refugum and then back to the main tank.
Miracle Mud
Can anyone using or who has used this product comment about it, seems much debate on wether its is worth using. Its VERY expensive!..