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Posts posted by nicmack

  1. Thanks to everyone for the nitite help my tank is clear with zero readings I have fallen in love with the look of the little guppie fish however i am wondering about their suitability with plecos, angels, neons danios and a siamese fighter?

    do they grow to a large size at all?

    Thanks :)

  2. I am a little ignorant when it comes to the filter its th built in one that comes with the aqua one set it has the two chambers in it I have only cleaned the sponges once and as i said one was really filthy the other was completely clean. I haven't cleaned the noodles

  3. i did a thorough filter clean last night using the first bucket of water I siphoned off the tank on the left side of the filet it was really really balck however on te right side of the filter it was completely clean I am wondering if there is a problem with the filter system? The tank has been up and running for about a month now

  4. its a 90 lite aqua one 620 tank the ammonias were at 0 the nitrates were okay and last saturday the nitire was turning the water a very very pale lilac colour when it was tested last night ammonia zero nitrate okay but the nitirite was wrose it turned the water a deep purple colour - it was getting up there in the mid range...... we did have ten neones two of them have died there are four angels and a siamese fighter and 3 zebra danios at the moment.

    when we did the waer changes the first three times a lot of gunk came up from the bottom which seems to of cleared off now

  5. I lost two fish after a 7 hour power cut and then did some testing my PH levels are fine but i had a small amount of nirite in the water I have been doing water changes for the past four days about 40% of the water andI didn't feed the fish for two of those days incase the problem was dueto over feeding, I got some advice and was told it may be caused by overstocking, over feeding or indiscriminate use of antibiotics, well I have been told I arne't overstocked and haven't used antibiotics so maybe i was overfeeding...anyhow a test four dayls later reveals the nitrite levels have increased further...any advice??

  6. I did get advice from the guy at the fishbowl in Hamilton who is reportedly very good...the tank water was basically left to sit for almost two weeks before any fish were intriduced the neons were only put in last week.....he tested the PH and said it all looked okay before we out any fish in there....

  7. Hi Caryl

    I have 10 neons 4 angel fish 3 zebra danios and a siamese fighter, I haven't been doing water changes because the guy at the fish bowl in hamilton told me I could do a 30% change every three weeks so I am up for my first change this weekend. everything looks fine in the tank at the moment its an Aqua One 620 but i have noticed a small amount of algae on the front of the tank which can easily be removed with the floating magentic cleaner.

  8. Thanks Caryl, is whitespot as the name suggests... would I easily be able to see it on the fish? I was so worried about them the heater and thermostat should of bought the temperature back to normal during the day.... When I do the water change is it important that the new water is introuduced slowly to ensure minimal disruption in the tank?

  9. Can someone please tell me how long I should have the light on the tank on for at the moment i am turingin it on around 7am and it dosen't go off until 7pm or so at night is this okay? is there a recommended time frame?

    My second questions regards food...should i only be feeding once a day in the morning? I have some tropical flakes and i am feeding no more than a small pinch, not enough to cover a 10 cent piece really

    And my plea for help, is ther anyone in the Hamilton area who may be willing to come over and show me how to do a water change and help me check that everything is in place and okay in the tank? thanks so much :hail:

  10. I have just bought a tropical Aqua One 620 tropical tank we left the wate to settle for a week before adding in 2 small angels, 2 silver sharks, 3 zebra dandios and one male fighter, I am looking at getting a group of 10 neons to finish the tank but will not do this for another week, is this enough time or should I wait longer before introducing new fish?

    When shall I be looking at dong my wter changes ans how regularly? I have been told about buying algae eaters but am wondering how beneficial these may be? are there any other suggestions for compatiable fish for this tank? I am particularly after something with a bit of colour or that looks different the bigger zebra or maybe convicts??


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