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  1. hey there, thanks for checking up on the little guy. I think it must have been stress, or as above the net from the LFS. I treated with melafix for 7 days and all is going well. The scales are still missing but looks as though they have started to grow back. The fish is in good shape, eating well. So far have managed to keep any infections at bay. Also keeping up witht the tonic salt. Stu
  2. ok so i think i have the same prob with my goldfish. seen them scratching and flashing irratically. with the dogwormer such as masterpet what quantities would i use in a 100L tank with 8 fish? one worming tablet at a time?
  3. help! I bought an Oranda yesterday and this morning it appears that its scales are falling off it places??! could this be stress related as the fish is getting use to the tank? my other goldfish do not show any similar symptoms. I have done a pH test and water is about 7.2. I have added tonic salts to the water 1tbls per 40 liters. I have a 110L tank, water seems to be in good condition so im puzzeled as to what could be causing this? what do you recommend i do? melafix? Being an Oranda i really dont want to loose the fish, it would be like flushing $ down the toilet.
  4. so for 3 weeks you were running 2 filters while the external 'cycled'? thanks for the info, i think i will give that a go
  5. No, been a busy week so i havent had a chance to have another go at getting it started. This was brought 2nd hand but i know that it works. Another Q...I take it that i should buy all new media before i let it filtering my tank? And if i do this will it be ok to set up on my tank with new media without allowing to cycle to build up good bacteria?
  6. Animalz aint too bad for fish for a little pet shop
  7. yea all the hoses seem fine, are these units usually hard to start? prop seems fine too
  8. I have just bought a Eheim 2213 and i am having trouble 'priming' to get it started. I am using the 'syphon' method by sucking on the outlet side but the filter just makes noises and will not start pumping the water through. Can anyone shed any light on the situation and provide there recommendations/ tell me what i am doing wrong?
  9. stu

    Goldfish help!

    I have noticed the last few days that several of my goldfish have become quite strange in there behavior. I have a few fish that swim erratically around the tank and some times 'rub' themselves on the gravel. Also I have another fish that seems to be 'bobbing' at the surface and swims lopsided. What’s going on??
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