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Everything posted by cessa

  1. cessa


    hi there like u i have a beautiful beta m and just last wk acquired a f. i too am anxious about breeding conditions but i am finding ppl very helpful on here. i am in lower hutt as well and have only bn doin this fish thing for about 6 weeks now i love it pls let me knw how u fare and i wil do likewise!
  2. hi there all!!! yes im back with a question? i purchased a female beta last week, my male has been prancing and flaring u knw the " look at me" thing!!. lol neways my dorta ses tht he has been spitting out bubbles, is he building a bubble nest?stupid question but wot does it look like and can other fish destroy it. should i put them(betas) in a seperate tank still a newbie but would love to breed them. pls help...lol funny i just asked 3 questions now didnt i thanks for any replys . :lol:
  3. cessa

    Newbie with MTS

    Hi there people...i have recently become a fish enthusiast!!! and i have been told i have MTS lol.I welcome all information regarding Angelfish and Siamese fighting fish. I am a newbie but i look forward to becoming more knowledgable as well as collecting more tanks...hehehe its all kookies fault yep u got it shes my mate gotta love it Thank you for any and all responses. :bounce: :bounce:
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