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Posts posted by Aqua

  1. Hey guys - LONG time no visit!

    I've bought a trio of cons, and have offered most of my other fish for sale, but I'm wondering if bristlenoses would be left alone by the cons? My tank is only an AR-510 which from memory is about 80-odd litres?

  2. I saw these guys at Jansens late this afternoon and thought they would go really well in my lounge tank (about 100L) until I read their profile!

    Has anybody kept these guys? I'd love to have a swarm of them in my lounge tank... Would it be best to stock with maybe 5 females & a sole male?


  3. Heh, here's a math question for you math-minded people out there!

    I've got an irregular hexagonal tank with the following dimensions:

    24" along the back, 10" along the straight side, 6" along the slanted side, and 15" along the front. It's 19" high.

    SO: What's the litreage? (Please show your working hehe)

  4. Hi guys..

    I've just noticed one of my black neons is not swimming normally.

    It's swimming (ish) around with it's head up and it's side-fins are flapping/beating quite erratically. When another fish nudges it or comes too close, it appears to go back to normal swimming, but quickly reverts back to the heads-up approach...

    Here's a video - It's quite big, so dial-up people need to either have lots of patience, or to not try it lol


  5. No. NOT Angels... Both the boyfriend & myself really can't stand them :o

    hrmm... So territories won't be established vertically rather than horizontally? I thought that would happen, as a lot of fish live alongside the lake/river-banks?

    I did more reading last night and it looks like the Neolamprologus brichardi breed almost as well as convicts?

    Rams & Kribs I don't think will work, 'cause they prefer a planted tank yeah?

  6. I've been offered some Neolamprologus brichardi at a good cost - what do you think they'd be like in a rock-only tank? BTW - see my original post, there's a link to a photo of the tank itself. It's not a 3'er, it's higher than it is long/wide :)

  7. This is just all too much to think about! =p

    Are there small(ish) cichlids that could be kept singly? Like, an Oscar would be awesome but I've got about half the litreage I'd need for one :cry:

    Or, what about fish that have pretty females? I could always stock the tank with females so I don't get any babies! :bounce:

    Basically I'm wanting to setup a NON-planted tank, and I thought of cichlids first, but it's beginning to look like they're too big for the tank :(

  8. Hey all - I've just finished setting up my hallway tank, and thought I'd borrow my flatmate's fancy camera and get some pics for y'all to look over! Now I've resized them to 800*600(ish) so I'll just post links rather than all the pics in the post... :)

    At the moment, I've got about 10 White Cloud Mountain Minnows, about 10 Black Tetra, 2 fancy cories (I'm not sure which sp.) and 3 pygmy cories (I couldn't get any pics of them!).

    In the way of plants, there's Java Fern and Vallisneria, a random Sword, the leggy plant I can't remember what it's called and the one at the back near the filter intake & heater was called Crispus at Hollywoods... I think it's an Aponogeton crispus but feel free to correct me if that's wrong!

    Oh, and it's all in an AR-510 which I think holds about 70-odd litres...

    Without further ado, here's the pics!















  9. Hi guys!

    Are killies best kept in a species tank? From the pics I've seen of them online, they're very pretty and maybe they could go in my lounge tank instead of cichlids! But I wouldn't be interested in breeding them as I don't have enough room for any more tanks, regardless of their size!

    So, if I had a species tank and they did breed, what would be the best means of giving the eggs away? Is it worth becoming a member of the NZKA if I'm not going to be actively breeding the fish?

    Thanks for putting up with me hehe

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