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    Epsom, Auckland

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey guys - LONG time no visit! I've bought a trio of cons, and have offered most of my other fish for sale, but I'm wondering if bristlenoses would be left alone by the cons? My tank is only an AR-510 which from memory is about 80-odd litres?
  2. Awesome I think I'll give these a go then! Now I need to learn about their habitat setup! :bounce:
  3. Here's the tank's dimensions http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/whats- ... 14702.html
  4. So if I get half a dozen and they'd be in a species tank, chances are I'll have some breeding happening? That'd be awesome for my first foray into the world of cichlids! :bounce:
  5. Mt Eden and they would've been maybe 2" long? I'll have to save my pennies 'cause they were just shy of $20 each!
  6. I saw these guys at Jansens late this afternoon and thought they would go really well in my lounge tank (about 100L) until I read their profile! Has anybody kept these guys? I'd love to have a swarm of them in my lounge tank... Would it be best to stock with maybe 5 females & a sole male?
  7. I'd love to - simply to see what's out there and gain 'real' knowledge about the species' rather than what I can get off the interweb
  8. Aqua


    Hi all, Does anybody know what gobies are available in NZ? Other than the bumblebee lol
  9. length from back to front (the front corner of the front pane & the slanted panes) is 14.5"
  10. yeah it looks like that. There's no way it's only 47 litres though!
  11. *blink* umm. It's a rectangle with a trapezoid on the front :oops:
  12. Heh, here's a math question for you math-minded people out there! I've got an irregular hexagonal tank with the following dimensions: 24" along the back, 10" along the straight side, 6" along the slanted side, and 15" along the front. It's 19" high. SO: What's the litreage? (Please show your working hehe)
  13. That's what I was thinking... Is it worth isolating it? I've got another tank that's only got a baby guppy in it (I'm letting it grow until it's big enough to fend for itself lol) which has subdued lighting etc... How often is a swim bladder disorder fatal?
  14. Aqua

    Newbie Questions

    Are there any killies that appreciate a non-planted tank?
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