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Posts posted by ljtan55

  1. Soo... I got him when he was a cute 2.5 cm long, in a space of a year he became this 12 cm monster cos hes in a discus tank with LOTS of feeding. In his youth he used to nibble on the algae and keep the tank clean, but now all he does is lie on the bottom of the tank, moving only to eat. Literally. ONLY to eat. I can poke him and he wont move, but I give him a shrimp and he'll "hop"... to the food.

    Soooo the question is. Do I isolate him and put him on a diet? cos I'm worried that the obesity with do him in... Thanks

  2. Just got my camera back and thought I'd put up some pics of my nano planted tank. Running for a month now, tanks specs 5 gallons, temp 22-25 degrees celcius, ph 6.5, shark filter with 18 watts lighting. Plants included - red pine, pearl grass, baby amazon sword, glosso foreground, anubias nana and java fern and rotala macandra. Fish - hillstream loach/borneo sucker, 2m 2f A striatum killifish and a random danio.




  3. I do it so that I can grow roots on the stems plants and then move them from the grow out tank into the other display tanks without destroying the root system when I uproot em. Just more convenient I guess, helps cos my whiptail and queen arabesque like to uproot any stems I put in the gravel.

  4. Hi just introduced a cryptocorne ciliata in the tank a week ago, but its leaves are always curled. After a water change it tends to curve it a little bit more, and the curls are lengthwise. No change in colour of the leaves, and I don't think its its melting as its throwing our new leaves but just curious why that it is all.

    Tanks specs are 108 watts over 50 gallons, ph 6.5 with diy carbon and jbl ball fertiliser with weekly fluorish and daily fluorish excel. temp 26-28 celsius. Thanks!


  5. 1. DONT look at a small puddle on the carpet next to a fishtank and go "I just must've spilt some, she'll be right"

    2. DONT just think, after weeks "wow that water is just not evaporating", and go out and buy a dehumidifer from the warehouse

    4. DONT panic when you realise the carpet underneath your fish tanks in your RENTED flat has gone mouldy from your HOB filter leaking for a month

    5. DEFINATELY DONT use exit mould on carpet in blind panic.

    6. DO put a carpet over it and pray that your landlord doesn't see it on the next inspection. :roll:

  6. Thanks that was more informative than anything I've read online! One more quick question tho, I dun suppose if you know if theres a difference between erythromycin stearate and erythomycin phosphate? The article I read said the latter, but I can only source the former. Shouldn't make much of a difference should it?

  7. Sorry to bring up an old topic, but I'm battling cyanobacteria in my tank at the moment, its all but smothering my java ferns. I've done mechanical removal, completely darkness and phosphate removers, and water conditions are pretty good so I hate to do it, but I think erythromycin might be the only thing left to try.

    I'm worried that it will wipe of all my nitrifying bacteria, and if it will risk my tank and its inhabitants it may not be worth it to sacrifice the fish and plants to remove it. But I was reading a little about it online, so 200 mg of erythromycin phosphate per 10 gallons would be a more or less safe dosage?

    By removing the filter media from my hood filter and replacing it after a couple of days, as well as mechanically cleaning the remains, would I be able to help reduce any ammonia spikes?

    Thanks in advance for the help.

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