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Everything posted by Karen

  1. My discus for the first time have successfully hatched and are caring for their babes. Have been feeding off their parents for four days. Two questions at what stage do I need to feed them? And with what? I have some descapulated brine shrimp, will that do, or will I have to start a brine shrimp hatchery? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  2. Good luck with the tank. I am also in the process of setting up a planted discus tank. My original tank contained a large piece of bogwood, gravel internal & external filters. Be prepared for plenty of water changes. Three of my five discus grew very large in that set up. Like you I am looking at lighting, plants, and pressurised CO2 system. I have opted for Aquatic mix to be placed in between the layers of gravel. I will follow your thread with interest.
  3. I had a similar problem in my discus tank a year ago, and I changed the water daily for two weeks to no avail. I purchased some Älgae Fix" from the LFS, after one application the change was almost immediate. I have not had an occurance since then. The tank had been set up for about 6 months, and the water was so green I could not see the back of the tank. Good Luck
  4. Whatever the problem all apears to be well the white thread has gone, the discus is a little less shy and he the female are looking after a good size batch of eggs.
  5. Thanks for your comments so far guys. No the fish does not appear to struggling to breathe. Something I did not know about before I picked up, was he has only been fed discus tucker and nothing else, not that I think that has anything to do with it. The long white thread is still there.
  6. On Sunday I picked up a blue turk, that I had purchased off Trade Me. The owner told me he had moved a couple of pieces of bog-wood from the tank a couple of days earlier, and this particular discus took fright and injured himself. A day before I arrived he had treated the tank with Melafix, and Methane Blue, because the discus and developed a funcus growth where he beleives the scales had come off. What I saw on Sunday was a small white spot. 5 hours travel later, I placed him in with my 5 discus, I was not too concerned about quarantine as he was in a tank with 6 discus in Rotorua. I am now concerned as I see a thread like worm above his head about 1-2mm long. I have read some information about flukes and are not convinced that this is what it is. I am unable to take a photo as he is still not too sure of his surroundings. Can anyone offer any helpful suggestions.
  7. Just a note to let people know, we are looking at reviving the UHAS. We had our first unofficial meeting last night with 10 people coming along. For those interested our next and first official meeting will take place on September 14, 7.30 at the Maidstone Centre, 24 Goodshed Rd, Upper Hutt. At the meeting we will elect a new committe and officials. Please do come along and meet with fellow enthusiasts. All welcome
  8. After several visits to supermarkets in the Hutt Valley finally located a couple of small hearts at Countdown on High St. Made the food up yesterday and tried it on the discus, tropicals and goldfish. Thanks for all the advise. It would appear it is less plentiful in the supermarkets here in Wgtn then elsewhere.
  9. Butcher shops in Naenae I tried first. No Luck. The supermarket in SV would only get in if they could sell 10kgs.
  10. I would like to make my own discus food, but have been unable to source any beef heart in the Hutt Valley. Can anyone help or offer an alternative? I am prepared to travel a couple of hours if need be.
  11. Any help would be appreciated. I have a 250 Litre tank with 5 young discus. This tank is not planted, and the lighting is not the best (pink lights) I do plan to install CO2 in the near future, and replace the tubes with white for a more intense light, so I can plant the tank. The PH is fine and the water temp is 30. I have been changing 40% of the water every two days over the last week, but no change. The discus don't seem to mind, however not pleasent to look at I have a picture but not too sure how to post it? After three weeks of very green water, spoke with Graham at Hutt Pet Centre and five hours after introducing Carbo Zorb to the filter media I can now see the fish. I am told this should completely clear within 24 hours. I'll keep you posted.
  12. Hope someone out there can anwser my questions? I purhased this morning, a double 60cm "super classical light set" for my 700 deap discus tank, however when I pluggged it in the lights are glowing pink. Does this mean I have to replace because of age?, or should I take back to the pet shop, the light is very inaffectual in the tank. Any hepful suggestions appreciated.
  13. Hi Henry The Upper Hutt Club meets every second Thursday at the Maidstone Centre, Goodshed Road 7.30pm. We are a very small club in desperate need of members.
  14. Karen

    cloudy eye?

    Hi Everyone. I have a goldfish with what appears to be a white patch over one eye the edges look (if tweezers were used) like it could be pulled away. The fish is five years old. The PH did get to 5.5 and I did loose a couple of fish, but have made the necessary water changes and the other fish look healthier. Does anyone have any suggestions? They would be most appreciated.
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