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  1. I am trying to get my Pennywort to grow horizontally rather than vertically. So far, what I've done was plant cuttings into the substrate. A few months later, each of the cuttings grew upwards! Now, I've just buried the stalks into the ground, hoping they would grow horizontally again. Any ideas how I can convert Pennywort into a carpeting plant? Edit: Found the official name, Hydrocotyle leucocephala. Looks like this:
  2. You could always buy some builders sand from Bunnings or Mitre 10 or something. Cost me 3 bucks for a huge bag (only used half for my 3footer) because my Dad gets a discount there. It was around 9 bucks full price anyways.
  3. Sorry, been extremely busy the past week or so. Work and exams and what not. Sadly, all fry appear to have died. I was having trouble feeding them, and they didn't seem to be eating at all. They just slowly dropped of bit by bit till they were all gone. I'm gonna attempt to breed them again, this time in a smaller tank. Will make sure I get all the proper equipment ready before I try again.
  4. When will your tank be operational again? My Kribs recently laid eggs and now there's a whole bunch of fry swimming around. I could spare a few if you need some.
  5. What did you have that made you put down so many fishes?
  6. A cool documentary about fish in the Amazon. There were a few cichlids as well as a Black Ghost Knife! http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?doc ... qQPVjO2zCQ That's episode 1. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?doc ... 5386&hl=en Episode 2 is above. There was a puffer in it.
  7. Another plant that needs to be id'ed: The one on the right that looks like tall blades of grass. I am wanting to spread them apart but can't seem to find a right way to do it. Whats the scientific name of it? It was sold to me as Cypress. Thanks.
  8. Swordtails Tiger Barbs Angel Fish GBA Kribs Betta Neons Hoping to get more Angels soon. Wanted Discus but they probably would outgrow my tank fast.
  9. I really like that sponsor an animal idea. But don't forget that it would be an ongoing thing as people like getting updates on an animal they sponsor, so it might cause more trouble than its worth. Then you gotta pay for increased bandwidth on the net etc etc ... All the same though, if an idea like this goes through I would be keen on helping code a few bits and pieces there. Living Arts gets the funds it needs and I get a nice fancy bit on my resume when I finish Uni.
  10. I'm thinking of some kind of background color, not sure what yet at the moment. I plan to have the entire back heavily planted, so the back can't be easily seen. Those are Kribs. The picture with the fish poking out of the cave is one of my paired females. She's currently in the cave taking care of maybe 30+ wrigglers. I bought it under the name "Cypress". I've searched online for ways to propagate it but the only thing that comes up are Cypress trees. :-? Thanks all for the comments. Really proud of this tank.
  11. Thanks. I've got 2 proven breeding pairs in there with a 5th wheel female swimming around. In fact, one pair has wrigglers now at the moment. Just hatched yesterday. 8)
  12. So I've decided to tear down my tank. Here are a few pictures to show you how bad it is: So yeah .. I know it's quite bad. But wait. You know those topics where people start out a thread and you have to wait for updates every week to see how the tank is coming along? And at times they forget to update the thread with newer pictures and tidbits? Don't you hate it when that happens? Well this thread isn't going be one of them (sorta). Because I did the teardown 3 weeks ago. This is what the tank currently looks like now: Thanks to all who helped me out with this endeavor. You know who you are. PS: I swear, my water isn't actually green with algae. The water is actually crystal clear. The photos were taken with a 6 year old 2.0 megapixel camera.
  13. Everyone is now free swimming. I've bought some JBL Liquid Fry Food, but how can I tell if they are actually eating it? I drop about 5 drops in but there's no reaction at all.
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