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  1. quack

    how stong?

    thanks everyone. ryanjury thats a really good artical, goes on a bit but im glad ive read it and now have some idea on were the best places is for it and how to strenghen the floor
  2. quack

    how stong?

    haha and if it fails 12+ people fall through the floor :oops:
  3. quack

    how stong?

    im coming up to a move into a new house in a couple of weeks, the problem is i dont no how strong the floor will need to be for my 850l tank.. is there any guidelines/rules in the strengh in the floor? any way to test the floor for strength? any help appersiated
  4. yeah i go to spot light too, except when ever i go its usely all sold out :evil: be care full tho sometimes can be treated with anti mod againts
  5. quack

    Fish Lists

    i just ask the lfs and they give me the list for the mouth with prices.
  6. yeah i have two jacks similler size and colourings to yours and they are best mates but havnt breed. i also agree that they are very mild in agression, but in saying that the big one dosnt take any shit :lol: looking foward to th pics
  7. i dont know about keeping them with tetras and stuff but smaller cichilds will work ok, i grow all my oscars apart from my new one up from babys in tanks with other smaller cichilds and now they live happy together
  8. i spent about $150 on noddles and stuff and then filled the rest of the sump up with scoria (lava rock), its better that normal gravel because its more porous(sp?). although some people say it needs to be treated before use but i didnt with no problems.
  9. quack

    oh dam it:(

    my oscar tank has hit a bad spell of whitespot the tank is 850L, i think the problem that caused it was due to the addition of another larger oscar, which the original o's went to keen on. they have had it out and are almost buddys now but im left with whitespot. i havent had whitespot in my tanks for ages and when i do get it i just let it run its cause and it comes right. ive been using this method for the last handful for days but its not getting better yet. i added some rock salt tonight. im wondering what very one else would do and if you think i should treat it or leave it. i dont really wont to stain my tank with meds and it will take a heap of it.
  10. damm, i went to greymouth not long ago, my god was it driftwood hevan! had the truck fill of wood so quick. i just put it all in a 100l wearhouse bin out side and done what David R said(waterchanges) now most of it is in with my oscars.
  11. yeah wont bother with the 29l tank, wearhouse have 100l bins with lids for $20.
  12. quack

    waste problem

    yeah i have a redspot plec. i do weekly water change/gravel syphon weekly change about 30-40%, also has a large sump. they only get feed 1-2 times a day they just poo like crazy, and it just sits on the bottom and looks horrible
  13. quack

    waste problem

    just wondering if anyone else has a problem with the waste from big fish? in my oscar tank i get a heap of poo on the gravel. what is a way i can help reduce this as after a week its so bad?
  14. try putting the female in a clear breading trap in the tank with the male. also add an anchor for the bubble nest i.e a polystyrene cup cut in half, the male will then make his nest in the cup. when there is a good nest let the female out, she will get a bit beaten up tho. remove here after the spawning. using a bearbottom tank is better too.
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