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Everything posted by Danny
patience, and making time. Danny
Hello and welcome from the other side of the globe. LOL danny
The hobby is a learning experience and even the best of us make mistakes. Who do you think I ended up with so many tanks. ? Other than I would not stop buying fish other trail and error. Alwyas learning day by day. Check out the links on the other thread and you can see pics there, Danny
Check out the LINKS above for pictures of some of the Tanks and fish. Danny
Well Hello Ira why not take Bobs advice and visit us at CT. Danny
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I will not tell the boss man / boss woman on you.. hehehehe... No all the tanks and fish are strickly hobby. I do sell some but that barely covers the expenses on the darn tthings. Most of my fishies are lake victorian. I got alot or rare / endangered and a few extinct. Mainly conservation efforts. Danny
Hehehehe,,,,, got 27 here at home and the rest ended up at my shop which is about 20 min away. Best part is where the tanks are now I have tons extra room. Wahooooooooooooo time to get more fishies...... danny Check out the links there are some pics there.
LOLOLOL Hey there is down falls also.. Takes me close to a week to maintain. By the time I am done it's time to start over again. I got pictures up on CT of several tanks and fish species. My site is down so I can't send ya there. I will try to link over rather than repost all the pics. that took toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo darn long to do. I had to use my old site on Homestead , upload, download, reload, arggggggg to much load this load thAT.. lolol Here goes: http://communitytank.aaquaria.com/boards/read.php?TID=1334 http://communitytank.aaquaria.com/boards/read.php?TID=1340 Have fun hopefully that works. I tried to post pics here but it was too hard for my fins to handle. Danny DAAAAAAAAAAA I know I could have done them this way... Takes too long....... yeap, tired& Lazy.
LOLOL...... Now as soon as I learn how to post pics. NOT links to pics. I will post TONS,& TONS of pictures of my fishies and set ups. not many only O,O,O, 102 tanks. For now..... Danny
Awww you mean you don't like the new look LOLOL Was it the lipstick,? O, I got it . It was the glasses. ROTFLOL Danny
There made a tad of change. For now till I get me bird over here. And yes thats how I look in the morning before my Cup a Java. (the other one) Danny This is my better side. ROTFLMAO
Okies, Thank you much for the info. I got alot online know but don't want them to show up as a link. Keep in mind now, I can easily get lost due to the lack of nerdyness as far as cumputer skills goes. So, best way is the easiest way I say. Less headache no stress, and more time to play with the tanks. LOLOL Danny
My take, IMO and from experience depending on the species and the quality of the worms fed in MODERATION isn't bad . But, I personaly wouldn't suggest it be fed to most Africans. Resson being most African Cichlids have lond digestive tracks. Meaning it takes them a long time to digest there food. Yes it was once believed that africans only ate greens and not live foods. Most all African Cichlids have a varied diet in the wild. Very few species depending mainly on one food source. So some do eat high protien foods but again have a variety in there diets. Most foods fed to African Cichlids contain protiens . Blood worms are VERY high in protien and also are very prone to have bacteria. Now, this all depends on the quality of the worms. They MUST be rinsed VERY well and any viss. dead ones should be pulled out before feeding. Still even if you prep them properly and assure they are fresh there is still the chance that some fish don't exept it well. Causing the upset tummy leading to bloat. The problem is not so much either or but a combanation. See Blood worms are normaly nasty from the get go. Most times there are more dead than fresh. Speaking of the type bought at your LFS which they keep in the fridge. There is also the freeze dried ones which IMO are not as bad. Add bad worms to fish are are prone to bloat and chances are the results may be ugly. Now this doesn't stand true for all Africans as I mentioned. I am speaking from experience in the past because I personaly feed both bloodworms and or white worms when avail. To alot of species that I keep which are mostly Lake Victorian some Malawi and some Tangs. But i also feed them a variety of foods depending on the fish and it's natural food source. some get snails,worms,larva,daphnia,small mullusk,brine, baby brine,krill/ghost shrimp,assorted flake foods,bugs yeap bugs. But over the years I have lost fish to bloat and not being due to a certain food in perticular. Some fish can and will bloat on flake food if they eat to much. So basicly as long as fed in MODERATION and fed aa treat and NOT as a staple diet the fish should be fine and also benefit from it. Though I WILL remind that Blood Worms are VERY,VERY nasty and not the best source of live foods. This is just my opinion and from past experience. My question would be, What type fish are you planning on feeding the worms to ? How many feedings a day are they now fed? What other foods are you feeding ? And a must fitration / water changes? ( worms are messy and can foul tank) Alot of your Tanganyikan species do well with live foods including worms. (in moderation) While alot of your Malawi species tend to bloat up easier. Most my Victorians eat some source of live foods and also tolerate it better than the Malawi species do. Again not all fish nor hobbiest are alike though. A friend feed his fish pellets. Something I stoped doing years ago due to the amount of bloat cases I was having. But just about everyone I know feeds there fish pellets with no problem so it just goes to show that it may work for one but not another. Hope my 2 cents helps, Danny
Quick yet stupid question? I see there are ways to post pics but, Looks like url only. I got some online but was wondering if you could also get them off hard drive. ? Or , how can I post a pic where you DO NOT have to follow a link. Want picture to show on post. Is it poss. ??? Danny
Pegasus Glad you reminded me. I found a self portrait in the selection so here it is. Question is How my picture get to NZ.ROTFLOL the bird didn't want to follow. I think it was too long a flight. Danny
Fishie minds think alike Bob. It' like follow the fish to NZ. What a voyage.
Hey there Bob, Another familiar fin. Welcome Bob Danny
Hehe Thanks you all the the fishie welcome. And for welcoing us with open fins. Caryl, I think luv knows i am on here tail. ( figure of speech) We been playing post tag . LOLOL I am glad I came here and yes, I will visit and share my loonyness with you guys / gals. Danny
Hello to all the fishie people in NZ. I am over ont eh other side of the fish in the USA. On the west coast of Florida. I am an avid hobbiest and enjoy yakking with fellow fins. That wasn't to tacky was it. :roll: Danny O by the way I followed luvfishies over here. Thanks luvfishies. :lol: And I got the link of a post at CT. And since we are sharing fishie friends I just had to join this bunch also. HELLO AGAIN......