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Cichlid lover

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Everything posted by Cichlid lover

  1. he is pretty old, if i thought it was worms what would i do to treat it?
  2. Thanks i don't no how you did that but i cant so thank you very much
  3. I have resized the photos so hopefully this time it will work. In answer to all the Questions: -He is the King of the tank and is not bullied by anyone. -He eats well. -With saying i have movd houses twice the second time was back home with my parents and the water quality is perfect for Discus i don't have to do anything to the water before i put it in the tank. -I don't have any clown loaches the loaches that i do have are snakey things and hide under the wood all the time, i was told by the place that i purchased them from that they were ok with Discus. -His head is big but i would say that it was in proportion to his body. -to Discus Guru i am the person that came into Pupuke Aquarium center on christmas eve with my partner to get some baby Discus we talked to you about this sight. Im from Hamilton.
  4. Here is my Discus. Here is him with his tank mates. I have also got 3 baby Discus in my Quarantine tank, a christmas present from my partner yepieeee please tell me if it is working or not
  5. Hes been in the new tank for 2 years but we have moved house twice. hes with two other discus, 4 Loaches, 1 baby Brisle nose catfish, 15 head and tail light tetras and one neon tetra. i would show you a photo but i havent worked out how to put them on to this yet, how do i do that?
  6. I have had my Discus for 3 years and when we saw him in the pet shop he lookee magnificant so we purchased him my first Discus he lived in his tank until he started to grow then i decided to get him a bigger tank and some tank buddies, i thought he was happy showing all his colours which are red, blue, cream body with black stripes and red eyes. but lately he just won't show his colours and stays at the back of the tank, i keep a well maintained tank and i just can't think what i am doing wrong please help.
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